Ckrads Poker life.

Monday, August 30, 2004

Pokerstars went well

Took a bunch of 2 outter bad beats in tournies this morning, but did well in ring this afternoon, about +$600 or so.

haha guys at my $39 satellit table are cool

Scoup77: my best win ever AK vs KK flop K 8 8
Scoup77: turn 8 river 8

Sunday, August 29, 2004

turbo sat

well since i won the FPP turbo sat to get 530 T$, i decided to try my luck at a 22R turbo satellite. If i won i was going to play....well i lost KQs vs Qjo. I went all in 2 from called by QJo(haha) and lost. We were about even stacks.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Tournies this morning

did like two PS tournies and 2 Party Poker tournies this morning. Didnt make the money in any of them. I shoulda made the money in the 22$ NL on PS, i was like top 3 chips with 80 left at one point. I pushed a medium stacks mid pos. raise with my 66 hoping he either had AK for a flip or low pair hed fold. He had 88....too bad he didnt fold. good call by him. After that i made a move on a guy who was stealing my blinds when i had K high, too bad be had ace high and hit an ace when he called to make a 30k pot. haha. after that i lost a coinflip and was out.

Luckily, i won a 500FPP sat to the $530 NLH tourny, so i unregistered to get $530 tourny dollars. So i guess overall im up for day.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

50+5 noon NLH tourny

bad run of cards so far... a total of 2 out of 32 (6%). My new friend 69madman69 has tripled up already though :)

Just got all in vs a shortstack for 1k pot, i had JJ he had AQs hit A n turn, so im down to 1k.

I had 1400 chips, guy min raises to 200, i push in with 88 he calsl with QQ. flop 8KK i gold on to double up to 2950, poor guy. Two hands later get i get KK in the BB. Short stack goes in for 615, another guy(masterofpuptz who i three way split with last night in the 22$ NLH).

SS had 66 and master had 77. 4 spades fall the SS wins main pot i win win side pot to stay even. Few hand later i get QQ in cut off raise it, BB(huge stack) calls. flop he bets i raise he calls, i bet big turn he calls, river pairs board he goes all in i have to fold. He shows a set. GAY.

UPDATE: I had about 5k, then won coinflip vs big stack AK vs his TT, then very next hand, button makes it 450 to go, i go all in with KK he calls with AQ, hits A im back down to 6k. 10k in chips made me top 3 with 110 left.

I just couldnt win any of the big hands. 15k pot KK vs AQ i lose, 15k pot AQ vs JJ i lose...just couldnt win any showdowns which hurts. Ive got 2800 in chips with 200/400 blinds, 300/600 soon.

UPDATE: im out. Got in for 8k pot 66 vs AKo. K came on flop though. I lost my last like 6 all ins, most of em i had the adv and 2 were coinflips.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Running well

20+2 up to 240 0early, then reraised a raiser all in with my TT, he had AK hit A on turn. I was down to 770. Then won a 3 way all in with QQ preflop, hit quad Q's haa. Then hit QQ again on top set won decent pot. Then limped with QQ utg guy raises, guy calls, i go all in, raiser folds other guy calsl with KQ. So im at 6k 17 minutes in and in first place.

Also, had 130 on full tilt, sat down at 1/2. Lets jsut say i have 450 now, these guys couldnt figure me out.

Also took 100 to 370ish on a PS .5/1 table.
Lets hope i do ok in this tourny. I lost the 55 PLH early vs some idiot.

Tourny UPDATE: What a wild ride. Lost KK vs JT, then beat same guy JJ vs KK very next hand so i was back to 10K. Then lost like 3k of my chisp when i hit top pair vs some guys overpockets. Start of next hour i get AKs, make it 450 to go and al lfold. then get QQ next hand make it 450 again, some guy goes all in with AJo and hits the A sigh, down to 5k. Get moved tables, bluff like mad, then win a coinflip and im up to 12 for tenth place 1 hour and 40 minutes into tourny. 140 people left.

Final Update: Ended up making top 3 second in chips ,then we split even 3 ways. Played it out and i won after i got luck to hit a K vs a guys JJ. We each got about $1790. as usual i played very aggressive late in the tourny until top 18, then aggressive when i could once i got some chips in final 9. I was 6th going into the final table. Biggest break was a short stack going all in with JJ when i got my only AA of tourny. All in all, great day.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Just Wow on Full Tilt

So i sit down at a 1/2 NL table on Full Tilt. Then this happens. Cutoff limps, SB calls, i make it 10 to go from BB with T9s. I had a good read on the 7 man table so i was pretty sure no one had a good hand. Cutoff calls, SB folds.

Flop: JT5

I bet out 8, he calls. At this point i was trying to represent a big pair, but he calls making me think hes got me on AK, so i adjust.

Turn: Q for TJQ board. I think this is a good card for me, if he has me on AK ive got a str8. I bet out 28$. He thinks for about 30 seconds and calls.

River: 2 for a JTQ2 board. I push all in for 100. He calls immediately. What does he have????????

T2. hahahahaha ok. turns out I wasnt even bluffing ,i had him beat the whole way to to the river. The guy tried to hand me 60$, sigh.

Monday, August 23, 2004


After watching my pokerstars role dwindle down, i decided to rebuild by playing lower limits and NOT buying in via firepay. I think it'll be a good little ring experience and good practice. Ill be playing ring on PS and Full Tilt tryingto rebuild.

played some sngs

After losing 5 coinflip type hands in a row to the same guy to g ofrom leader to out, i realized why sngs are gay. Yes, 5.

um i lose

im down a whole crapload..Ive lost with AA and KK the past oh say 15 times. Even when i hit top set i still lose. Sigh. Did a couple 109 sngs lost both. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Pokerstars weekly $215

Was at about 6500 50 minutes when i reraised Exclusives raise at 50/100 blnids...He went all in and i had to fold. He won an all in the very nexthand with AA, he swore he had back to back AAs.
Then i lost another 600 in battle of the blinds when turn brought 2nd pair trips...he raised my top pair bet and i had to fold.

First half of second hour got 0 hands, played one hand had to fold was down to 3k. Then madea reraise with 85o of exclsuive. He checked flop i went all in he folded, back to 5k. Then next hand i get KK, guy makes it 600 to go i push in he folds, up to 6k. Hit a set but Exclsuisve flopped a str8 with 68, wtf i fold he showed. He limped UTG with it...Down 2.5k. Came over the top of what i think was stea l raise from cutoff, i was in small blnid. He folded so i have 3.5k 1 hour 40 minutes in.

And im out. 2 limpers plus me(SB) and the BB. Flop comes 8 high, check to late pos guy he bets 200 i make it 800 he calls. turn 8, i push in he calls with KK. He didnt even puase to think they i had top pair. Whats amusing is i woulda played it that way with the 8 and gotten paid off easy in this fucking tournament. too bad i didnt hit one good fucking hand the whole tournament. I swear every time in the 215$ second hour i get jack shit.

UPDATE: Lost a few hundred to bad beats on 2/4, then lost several hundred on tilt. Im done for day.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

YA im pissed

Phil Ivey is a fucking tard. Im shortstacked with about 575 in the Full tilt tourny, Ivey makes an obvious steal raise, i push all in with A9. He has to call 425 more, whhich is about 40% of his stack. He calls with Q7!!!!!!! and hits 7 to win. sdfsfsdsfsf fucking newbie.

Then im kicking ass in the 55$ NL on Ps which started at same time. I have about 3600, when some guy with a similar stack bluffs me all in with a flsuh draw on the turn. Most obvious blff ever so i call with my pair then boom spade i lose. He then talks shit about how bad i am. dfgdgfdgfd i hate Fish when they suckout then tal kshit.

So im on biggest tilt of my life so no poker today for sure. I have 10% of yoda and 10% of raidan in full tilt, hopefully they do well.

UPDATE: Ya we all lost. On a good note, i spent 21$ on a turbo sat and won a seat into sunday 215$ tourny. Hopefully that will go better.

Friday, August 20, 2004

movin up

Moving up limits i think so i spent a couple hundred advertising looseness like i did whenb i moved to 1/2. Pays off in long run but its funny dropping all that cash :o

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Tournies Galore

So i play a 22$ tourny at 1pm pacific, get owned. Play a rebuy ,im owning and am a huge stack most of way. With about 90 peopl left i take a couple bad beats and am out of it, majorly disappointing. But while i was playing that rebuy tourny, yoda reminded me there was another 22$ tourny so we traded 10% and went for it. I doubled up about 15 minutes in with a set of 8s. After that i didnt get much action, and was boucncing u pand down as a short stack for awhile. I was getting no cards. As we neared the mnoey, i started going insane and stealing blinds like mad/bluffing like it was my job. I Never really got vaught bluffing though so it kept working. Anyways without too many cards i made it to the final table 2nd in chips. I finally picked up a few hands and got luck in coinflippy type situations vs a couple shortstacks.

When it got heads up, i had 402K and he had 398K I offered 50/50 chop buthe didnt answer. So i lost a buig pot early on a bluff, then won AQs vs 66 barely with a rivered T-A straight. After that i got A5 like 4 hands in a row as my SB and pushed in each time, he was pushing from his SB and i had junk. Finally he called awith K7 i think and didnt hit anything so i won 2650! (265 went to yoda!) Thanks for suuport everyone. love.

Monday, August 16, 2004

what a day

Sat down at 2/4 NL with 200 and left with 1200 :)

2/4 has SO much dead money

PokerStars Game #620259458: Hold'em No Limit ($2/$4) - 2004/08/16 - 15:34:54 (ET)
Table 'Alexandra' Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: BOSSE13 ($42.40 in chips)
Seat 2: Swheeet ($156 in chips)
Seat 3: pooltime ($168.50 in chips)
Seat 4: RenSti ($89 in chips)
Seat 5: BlkAction ($404.50 in chips)
Seat 6: Ckrad ($184 in chips)
Seat 7: KRS23 ($413.10 in chips)
Seat 8: Pickup ($310 in chips)
Seat 9: crippo ($551 in chips)
KRS23: posts small blind $2
Pickup: posts big blind $4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Ckrad [Tc 9h]
crippo: calls $4
BOSSE13: folds
Swheeet: calls $4
pooltime: folds
pooltime leaves the table
RenSti: folds
BlkAction: calls $4
Ckrad: calls $4
KRS23: calls $2
Pickup: checks
*** FLOP *** [8c 6h 9d]
dazzy2004 joins the table at seat #3
KRS23: bets $8
Pickup: calls $8
crippo: folds
Swheeet: folds
BlkAction: calls $8
Ckrad: raises $16 to $24
KRS23: calls $16
Pickup: calls $16
BlkAction: calls $16
*** TURN *** [8c 6h 9d] [7h]
KRS23: checks
Pickup: bets $4
BlkAction: calls $4
Ckrad: raises $24 to $28
KRS23: calls $28
Pickup: calls $24
BlkAction: calls $24
*** RIVER *** [8c 6h 9d 7h] [2d]
KRS23: checks
Pickup: bets $12
BlkAction said, "st8 anyone?"
BlkAction: calls $12
Ckrad: calls $12
KRS23: calls $12
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Pickup: shows [2h 6c] (two pair, Sixes and Deuces)
BlkAction: shows [6s 5c] (a straight, Five to Nine)
Ckrad: shows [Tc 9h] (a straight, Six to Ten)
KRS23: shows [9s 5d] (a straight, Five to Nine)
Ckrad collected $277 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $280 | Rake $3
Board [8c 6h 9d 7h 2d]
Seat 1: BOSSE13 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: Swheeet folded on the Flop
Seat 3: pooltime folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: RenSti folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: BlkAction showed [6s 5c] and lost with a straight, Five to Nine
Seat 6: Ckrad (button) showed [Tc 9h] and won ($277) with a straight, Six to Ten
Seat 7: KRS23 (small blind) showed [9s 5d] and lost with a straight, Five to Nine
Seat 8: Pickup (big blind) showed [2h 6c] and lost with two pair, Sixes and Deuces
Seat 9: crippo folded on the Flop

2/4 has so much dead money

PokerStars Game #620259458: Hold'em No Limit ($2/$4) - 2004/08/16 - 15:34:54 (ET)
Table 'Alexandra' Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: BOSSE13 ($42.40 in chips)
Seat 2: Swheeet ($156 in chips)
Seat 3: pooltime ($168.50 in chips)
Seat 4: RenSti ($89 in chips)
Seat 5: BlkAction ($404.50 in chips)
Seat 6: Ckrad ($184 in chips)
Seat 7: KRS23 ($413.10 in chips)
Seat 8: Pickup ($310 in chips)
Seat 9: crippo ($551 in chips)
KRS23: posts small blind $2
Pickup: posts big blind $4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Ckrad [Tc 9h]
crippo: calls $4
BOSSE13: folds
Swheeet: calls $4
pooltime: folds
pooltime leaves the table
RenSti: folds
BlkAction: calls $4
Ckrad: calls $4
KRS23: calls $2
Pickup: checks
*** FLOP *** [8c 6h 9d]
dazzy2004 joins the table at seat #3
KRS23: bets $8
Pickup: calls $8
crippo: folds
Swheeet: folds
BlkAction: calls $8
Ckrad: raises $16 to $24
KRS23: calls $16
Pickup: calls $16
BlkAction: calls $16
*** TURN *** [8c 6h 9d] [7h]
KRS23: checks
Pickup: bets $4
BlkAction: calls $4
Ckrad: raises $24 to $28
KRS23: calls $28
Pickup: calls $24
BlkAction: calls $24
*** RIVER *** [8c 6h 9d 7h] [2d]
KRS23: checks
Pickup: bets $12
BlkAction said, "st8 anyone?"
BlkAction: calls $12
Ckrad: calls $12
KRS23: calls $12
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Pickup: shows [2h 6c] (two pair, Sixes and Deuces)
BlkAction: shows [6s 5c] (a straight, Five to Nine)
Ckrad: shows [Tc 9h] (a straight, Six to Ten)
KRS23: shows [9s 5d] (a straight, Five to Nine)
Ckrad collected $277 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $280 | Rake $3
Board [8c 6h 9d 7h 2d]
Seat 1: BOSSE13 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: Swheeet folded on the Flop
Seat 3: pooltime folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: RenSti folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: BlkAction showed [6s 5c] and lost with a straight, Five to Nine
Seat 6: Ckrad (button) showed [Tc 9h] and won ($277) with a straight, Six to Ten
Seat 7: KRS23 (small blind) showed [9s 5d] and lost with a straight, Five to Nine
Seat 8: Pickup (big blind) showed [2h 6c] and lost with two pair, Sixes and Deuces
Seat 9: crippo folded on the Flop

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Running well on Stars

well i just played for about 30 minutes and am +$300 because of a bluff in a 100$ pot that worked and a set vs some guys two pair for 170 about. I would be up more for day but this morning i had a KK vs AA run in. However i also just lost $100 on Full Tilt in a tough luck hand. Perry Friedman the pro makes it 7 to go at a 1/2 table. 2 caller,s plus me who is in BB with A8s. Flop AA9. All checks. turn 8, giving me my boat and i check, all checks. Turn J. I bet pot, $29, he raises i push in. haha he had A9.

Friday, August 13, 2004

All around gayness

Well last night i got all in with the nuts twice and lost both, $420ish pot and 600$ pot. first on i had QQ and flop came like Q92, got all in vs KK and K came on turn.
Next one was 3 way all in where both guys were idiot. AQT8 board i have KJ and bet, guy#1 raises, Guy#2 min riases again, i go all in. They both dumbly call. River A, guy#2 has 88 for full boat.(he checked flop haha.)

Today was also bad, flop top two, bt 10, get min raised to 20, i know hes ion draw so i push all in for 140 more thinking he cant call. Oh he calls with A6s and hits it. Yay. Then just now i have QQ, get calls down by TT to river, even though there overcarsd to the TT and he hits T on river yay.

Needless to say im down on PS lately. Thank god for Full Tilt.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

i need to quit satellites

i keep getting screwed every bit pot. Got all in with KK vs a slightly bigger stacks AK. He hits of course. Pot woulda made me 4th in chips and i woulda cruised to a seat for the third time. AK vs AT, AA vs AK and KK vs AK have lost me my 3 satellite seats. kek.

Despite money spent on that 36+3 sat plus the 55$ buy in tourny im still in, im still up like 300 for day.

UPDATE: Wow, possibly worst lay mixed with best catch ive seen in awhile.
Transcript for game #610671130 requested by Ckrad(
*********** # 1 **************
PokerStars Game #610671130: Hold'em No Limit ($1/$2) - 2004/08/12 - 15:29:53 (ET)
Table 'Hippo' Seat #9 is the button
Seat 3: mws1168 ($38 in chips)
Seat 4: voltt ($141 in chips)
Seat 7: Par65 ($84.60 in chips)
Seat 8: soggy jay ($201.30 in chips)
Seat 9: shadesman ($73 in chips)
Seat 1: Granath ($64.60 in chips)
Seat 2: JMarks ($200 in chips)
Seat 5: Ckrad ($224.30 in chips)
Seat 6: 123shank ($153.15 in chips)
Granath: posts small blind $1
JMarks: posts big blind $2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Ckrad [Ah As]
mws1168: raises $2 to $4
voltt: calls $4
Ckrad: raises $6 to $10
123shank: folds
Par65: folds
soggy jay: folds
shadesman: folds
Granath: folds
JMarks: folds
mws1168: calls $6
voltt: calls $6
*** FLOP *** [9c Kc 8c]
mws1168: checks
voltt: checks
Ckrad: bets $30
mws1168: folds
voltt: raises $30 to $60
Ckrad: calls $30
*** TURN *** [9c Kc 8c] [2s]
voltt: bets $71 and is all-in
Ckrad: calls $71
*** RIVER *** [9c Kc 8c 2s] [4d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
voltt: shows [2d 2c] (three of a kind, Deuces)
Ckrad: mucks hand
Ckrad said, "wtf man"
voltt collected $292 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $295 | Rake $3
Board [9c Kc 8c 2s 4d]
Seat 3: mws1168 folded on the Flop
Seat 4: voltt showed [2d 2c] and won ($292) with three of a kind, Deuces
Seat 7: Par65 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: soggy jay folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: shadesman (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 1: Granath (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 2: JMarks (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 5: Ckrad mucked [Ah As] - a pair of Aces
Seat 6: 123shank folded before Flop (didn't bet)

This guy must like 9s

Dealer: Game #610598849: WUT?WUT? wins pot ($385) with three of a kind, Nines
Dealer: Ckrad has a straight, Five to Nine
Dealer: Game #610601201: Ckrad wins pot ($285) with a straight, Five to Nine
Dealer: 4mycat will be allowed to play after the button
Dealer: Game #610603539: WUT?WUT? wins pot ($5)
Dealer: WUT?WUT? has three of a kind, Nines
Dealer: Game #610604528: WUT?WUT? wins pot ($403) with three of a kind, Nines

Wednesday, August 11, 2004


im doing better in ring, but ive been done some 500FPP and 36+3 sats to get into the $215 tourny and i keep taking horrid horrid beats when i would become top 3 in chips. This last one in the 36+3, which bugs me cuz i paid money to enter, i lose AAvs AK when he hit a dual 4 outter on turn/river to make a str8. I flopped a set of aces and we got in, then board made running str8. I guess ill keep trying....

UPDATE: Well, i almost came back in that 36+3 but eventually lost a coin flip when i had a pair vs overs. Also, i was up 300 in ring when i flopped nut flsuh and guy with two pair calls check raise to 30 on flop, calls bet of 40 on turn, then its his boat to take pot on river. He had two pair so he 4 outted me, sigh. so i would be up 500 instead im up 200! woo still doin well.

UPDATE2: Wow what day. After i guess 7-8 hours of palying today, im up 900$ on Stars and about 200 on Full tilt, I was up about 350 on tilt but my AA lost to KK all in. Not too many bad beats, just two different 4 outters for vrey large pots, that nut flush one and nothre where i hit nut str8 on turn and bet huge and he called and hit. Overall a good session. Now to chill with gf and stuff.

Full Tilt is Yum

so PS has been going bad with some gaybeats and some other times of just bad tilt playing. But Full Tilt ive done super well, even took a good deal of money off of Andy Block. In a two day span i made about 1500$ on Full tilt playing 1/2 and 2/4.Ao that made up for my stars losses + made me some. And because theres not many tables going on there, i was only playing 1 table at a time haha. I also used my free satellite token to win a sng satellite to their 200+16$ on august 21st.

I still think 2/4 is easier than 1/2 on Stars,

Sunday, August 08, 2004


I keep having mildy ok sessions that are ruine dby the one big pot im in. I dont even know why this guy was in the hand.

PokerStars Game #601298977: Hold'em No Limit ($1/$2) - 2004/08/08 - 14:33:59 (ET)
Table 'Taygeta' Seat #8 is the button
Seat 3: bringiton9 ($90.30 in chips)
Seat 4: Roaminmn ($110.50 in chips)
Seat 5: Pr0phit ($152.55 in chips)
Seat 6: Ckrad ($200.20 in chips)
Seat 7: Bayles ($115.95 in chips)
Seat 8: Poker Porse ($196 in chips)
Seat 9: MarcoKTM525 ($46 in chips)
Seat 1: oomphalos ($76 in chips)
Seat 2: rookieman ($203.55 in chips)
MarcoKTM525: posts small blind $1
oomphalos: posts big blind $2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Ckrad [Td Js]
rookieman: calls $2
bringiton9: calls $2
Roaminmn: calls $2
Pr0phit: folds
Ckrad: calls $2
Bayles: folds
Poker Porse: folds
MarcoKTM525: calls $1
oomphalos: checks
*** FLOP *** [7d Jd Ts]
MarcoKTM525: checks
oomphalos: checks
rookieman: bets $12
bringiton9: folds
Roaminmn: folds
Ckrad: raises $74 to $86
MarcoKTM525: folds
oomphalos: folds
rookieman: calls $74
*** TURN *** [7d Jd Ts] [2c]
rookieman: checks
Ckrad: bets $112.20 and is all-in
rookieman: calls $112.20
*** RIVER *** [7d Jd Ts 2c] [8d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
rookieman: shows [Qd 6d] (a flush, Queen high)
Ckrad: shows [Td Js] (two pair, Jacks and Tens)
rookieman collected $405.40 from pot
Ckrad said, " WHAT THE ****?"
Ckrad said, "NO WAy"
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $408.40 | Rake $3
Board [7d Jd Ts 2c 8d]
Seat 3: bringiton9 folded on the Flop
Seat 4: Roaminmn folded on the Flop
Seat 5: Pr0phit folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: Ckrad showed [Td Js] and lost with two pair, Jacks and Tens
Seat 7: Bayles folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: Poker Porse (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: MarcoKTM525 (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 1: oomphalos (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 2: rookieman showed [Qd 6d] and won ($405.40) with a flush, Queen high

Saturday, August 07, 2004


So i decided to play someone 1/2 this morning. Played for tables buying in max at each..Things were going well i was up about 100 overall after winning small pots. Then it went sour...flopped a flush vs higher flush, lost a decent amount. Then i flop two pair in a heads up pot, made my boat on turn after some betting on flop. We got our money in and he hit a set for hit his set for a higher boat...oh well. Then i had to lay down QQ on turn to an all low board after lots of money got in preflop...i guess he AA.

So i went to see Harold and Kumar after my morning losses of about $280. I have to say i really enjoyed it, and i loved Kumar. I also say Napoleon Dynamite the other day, and enjoyed it as well. Harold and Kumar was probably more entertaining, but Naploeon is more fun to talk about afterwords. After that i got some pizza at Beach Cities pizza then took the gf home because shes going to Boston concert with her family. So i sat at three 1/2 table with 200 each...things were going poorly until i got AA at all three tables simulatenously. Two of the tables i ended up doubling up and the other table they folded to my small preflop raise to 6. So all in all i won my money back plus some. I may play more tonight, depends on if i go to my friends house or not.

One of the AA hand was like this, im in BB and guy in cutoff makes it 6. I just call. Flop is K52. i check he bets 12 i make it 34 or so. He calls, turn 5. Now this was a goo card for me, because it made me not fear him hitting two pair. I put him on KQ or maybe AK. So i just made a moderate bet hoping to be called, 44$. He calls. River is Q. Im hoping he has KQ so he'll pay me off. I Push in, and bingo he has KQ and calls.

Created a poker blog

Created a blog, idea inspired by Yoda. This should stop any bad beat posts.