Ckrads Poker life.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Blog Is Back Alive

So, Its almost summer. I didnt get myself a full time job because i will be taking 100 hours of LSAT classes this summer in preperation for the September 29 LSAT. Woohoo for law school. Anyways, the money is running a little low, so its time to get serious in poker and grind out some cash. Im playing a little lately as i sit here and read/study for finals. I got deep in $75 tournament on Full Tilt Poker. The play was pretty weak for much of the tournament. With About 20 left i went on a cold streak losing 77 vs AK, AQ, KJ, and KK vs AK. I was ok tho, stealing blinds with about 50% good hands and 50% trash. Then with 7 left, this huge hand came up. Stacks were this. 1st had about 130k, 2nd had 81k, i had 77k, 4th had 76k, 5th had 50k, 6th had 40k and 7th had 30k. Blnids were at 1200/2400, so i still had plenty of room to pick my spots. Guy with 75k made it 7200, big stack smooth called, i found AA in the BB and made it 33k to go. Initial raiser pushed for his 75k total and big stak folded. I called of Course. Board was fine unti lthe river, then BAM Q. I have 800 chips left and lose KTs vs 66 next hand. So that AA vs QQ lose costs me probably AT LEAST 3k. &th paid like 600, first was 6500. I usually expect to lose so poker doesnt bug me, but i really wanted to win that one. Ill keep trying thesse Full Tilt Poker tournies as the players seem very weak.


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