Ckrads Poker life.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Much has happened, poker died then i semi restarted etc.

Anyways, he WCOOP started yesterday, with today being the first no limit hold em event, a $530 event with 4500 people and 365k for first. 600 spots paid. I played the best tournament of my life and finished 1400th. I didnt make 1 mistake in my opinion, and ive never said that before, even about tournaments ive won. I didnt play one marginal hand out of position. I maxed values and minimized losses.
Reasons i didnt get super deep are these: some idiot put all his chips in with 44 vs my AK when i was only showing high pairs down. I lost the race. Then i lost a big pot vs 32s when i flopped top pair (A64, i had AQ) and he had gutshot/flush draw, check raised me in, and he got lucky enough to hit.(why he called my preflop raise when it was 15% of his stack, no idea)
Than my AA died to Q3 when i had him trapped(he flopped Q) but hit a 3 to take all but 3 BBs from me. Woulda been avg stack again. So thats that! First time i had all my chips in was the hand i busted.

I am at UCLA, been partying a lot, probably far too much. Apartment is pretty sweet. Some assholes stole my gfs purse from her friends car the other day, i hope they get syphillis and die. I like having a full bed, those twins in the dorms really sucked. I will probably play another event. As far other poker, my cash roll died, but ive been dominating some $50 and $100 HU sngs on stars. So we will see how those go. Havent played al that much, been super busy with IKEA runs, drinking, etc.


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