Ckrads Poker life.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

The New Age Of Poker

With the Safe Port Act passing in congress, and the hidden bill on it to stop US citizens from playing poker online, the mid and high stakes poker fields have become much harder, with many of the "fish" quitting to avoid the new difficulties of getting around the legislation. Also, a lot of the "young guns" who dropped out of college during the online peak to play full time have nothing to do but practice and grind. Many regulars of $10/$20 on party poker are now regulars of $2/$4 on other sites that DO still allow US customers(party poker pulled out of the US market due to US legislation). Cash games are pretty tough, plus i seem to run terrible in them. Tournaments still have tons of idiots, but the big fields lead to dsuper high variance. Ive made my way through several of the fields just to take a crushing bad beat before the big money. So, starting now(or after finals), i will take whats left of my online roll and focus on sit n goes(1 table tournaments) to increase my bankroll. At the low and medium stakes i still feel im always the best player at my table. Also, the short duration means i need les hands to hold up to cash in them, which is good because i seem to be running horrible this year in the luck department. I will play the occasional MTT, mostly smaller field ones to lower variance, until im back to making decent money with a healthy bankroll. Dominating sngs is how i started in poker, and i think i can still do so. I indeed have run horrible, but i can also improve. Back in the day, i could dominate on talent alone. Now, i need to seal off every small mistake i make and play near perfect to dominate, and i hope to eliminate every leak in my game this summer.

Also, I will go to Hollywood Park Casino and play the live cash games there. From the one time ive been, the competition is pretty weak. I hope to make some good money there as well. I like live cash games much more than online cash games.


Blogger lauren poblete said...

you should definitely update your blog. :)

10:12 AM


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