Ckrads Poker life.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Whole Lotta Love

So yes its been a long time since my last update. Too much to update so i will just talk about what i want. Poker is dumb i run bad, but i switched my icon on pokerstars today for the first and only time in my 4 year career. The green clover brought me some luck a long time ago, but hoepfully by new Big Lebowski image will kickstart a new run of luck. Oh i switched to full ring cash games, also.
URL here:

I started my LSAT classes. Im am using Blueprint, found at Took an old LSAT test on first day. I went in totally cold, having never seen one before. Didnt do as well as i wanted, but did better than most do their first time. I like the class a lot, more than i liked any class ive taken at UCLA, and that is saying a lot considering the class is 4 hours long. There logic games and loginal reasoning mostly, with some lame reading comp. Anyways my teacher is cool, and the sutdents are far more interesting than anyone you find in economics or accounting classes. Also, many non UCLA kids. I walk there every monday, wednesday, and some fridays 10am-2pm. Its like a 10-15 minute walk. I will be taking the test September 29th.

Ive seen some movies lately, some in theatres and some on old VHSs my roomie has. I saw. Heres some ratings. I will try not to spill anything tho.

Transformers: 5/10. I would give the first half a 7.5/10 and the second half a 2.5/10. It seemed like the script went straight downhill halfway in. There was actually some funny moments at start with the Even Stevens kid. Michael Bay had some horribel and pointless characters that never ended up doing anything, and im not really sure why they were in the movie. For those who seen it, example is the black video hacker dork. Wtf? He never "solved" anything.The scene at the kids house with autobots outside lasted 15 minutes too long. Machines were cool looking.

The Negotiator: 7/10. Decent plot and acting. Kevin Spacey rules at always. I guess im hard on cop corruption scandal movies since ive seen some really good ones. With Kevin Spacey, even.

Batman Begins: 8.5/10. Ya i saw it in theatres and rewatched it. Pretty badass. And ive like Christian Bale since Newsies. hahaha. Good action, not too over the top. One of the best comic book movies easily, if not the best.

The Jacket: 8.5/10. Pretty weird and ambitiious. But it still had a solid flow an made sense. Sometimes writers/directors trying to be original boggle the movie into a big muck, but this was interesting and flowed great. And Keirra Knightley is way hot.

Havent been partying too much lately, although i will probably go to the bar tomorrow. Tuesday night i head to Lake Arrowhead to visit my girlfriend, Lauren, at her camp she works at, Bruinwoods. Come back Thursday.Two thumbs down for mountain driving. So yes, movies, poker, video games with friends, and LSAT homework have consumed my life this week. Catch you later.

Roll with your own cards,


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