Ckrads Poker life.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Running well

20+2 up to 240 0early, then reraised a raiser all in with my TT, he had AK hit A on turn. I was down to 770. Then won a 3 way all in with QQ preflop, hit quad Q's haa. Then hit QQ again on top set won decent pot. Then limped with QQ utg guy raises, guy calls, i go all in, raiser folds other guy calsl with KQ. So im at 6k 17 minutes in and in first place.

Also, had 130 on full tilt, sat down at 1/2. Lets jsut say i have 450 now, these guys couldnt figure me out.

Also took 100 to 370ish on a PS .5/1 table.
Lets hope i do ok in this tourny. I lost the 55 PLH early vs some idiot.

Tourny UPDATE: What a wild ride. Lost KK vs JT, then beat same guy JJ vs KK very next hand so i was back to 10K. Then lost like 3k of my chisp when i hit top pair vs some guys overpockets. Start of next hour i get AKs, make it 450 to go and al lfold. then get QQ next hand make it 450 again, some guy goes all in with AJo and hits the A sigh, down to 5k. Get moved tables, bluff like mad, then win a coinflip and im up to 12 for tenth place 1 hour and 40 minutes into tourny. 140 people left.

Final Update: Ended up making top 3 second in chips ,then we split even 3 ways. Played it out and i won after i got luck to hit a K vs a guys JJ. We each got about $1790. as usual i played very aggressive late in the tourny until top 18, then aggressive when i could once i got some chips in final 9. I was 6th going into the final table. Biggest break was a short stack going all in with JJ when i got my only AA of tourny. All in all, great day.


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