Ckrads Poker life.

Friday, August 13, 2004

All around gayness

Well last night i got all in with the nuts twice and lost both, $420ish pot and 600$ pot. first on i had QQ and flop came like Q92, got all in vs KK and K came on turn.
Next one was 3 way all in where both guys were idiot. AQT8 board i have KJ and bet, guy#1 raises, Guy#2 min riases again, i go all in. They both dumbly call. River A, guy#2 has 88 for full boat.(he checked flop haha.)

Today was also bad, flop top two, bt 10, get min raised to 20, i know hes ion draw so i push all in for 140 more thinking he cant call. Oh he calls with A6s and hits it. Yay. Then just now i have QQ, get calls down by TT to river, even though there overcarsd to the TT and he hits T on river yay.

Needless to say im down on PS lately. Thank god for Full Tilt.


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