Ckrads Poker life.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004


im doing better in ring, but ive been done some 500FPP and 36+3 sats to get into the $215 tourny and i keep taking horrid horrid beats when i would become top 3 in chips. This last one in the 36+3, which bugs me cuz i paid money to enter, i lose AAvs AK when he hit a dual 4 outter on turn/river to make a str8. I flopped a set of aces and we got in, then board made running str8. I guess ill keep trying....

UPDATE: Well, i almost came back in that 36+3 but eventually lost a coin flip when i had a pair vs overs. Also, i was up 300 in ring when i flopped nut flsuh and guy with two pair calls check raise to 30 on flop, calls bet of 40 on turn, then its his boat to take pot on river. He had two pair so he 4 outted me, sigh. so i would be up 500 instead im up 200! woo still doin well.

UPDATE2: Wow what day. After i guess 7-8 hours of palying today, im up 900$ on Stars and about 200 on Full tilt, I was up about 350 on tilt but my AA lost to KK all in. Not too many bad beats, just two different 4 outters for vrey large pots, that nut flush one and nothre where i hit nut str8 on turn and bet huge and he called and hit. Overall a good session. Now to chill with gf and stuff.


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