Ckrads Poker life.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

YA im pissed

Phil Ivey is a fucking tard. Im shortstacked with about 575 in the Full tilt tourny, Ivey makes an obvious steal raise, i push all in with A9. He has to call 425 more, whhich is about 40% of his stack. He calls with Q7!!!!!!! and hits 7 to win. sdfsfsdsfsf fucking newbie.

Then im kicking ass in the 55$ NL on Ps which started at same time. I have about 3600, when some guy with a similar stack bluffs me all in with a flsuh draw on the turn. Most obvious blff ever so i call with my pair then boom spade i lose. He then talks shit about how bad i am. dfgdgfdgfd i hate Fish when they suckout then tal kshit.

So im on biggest tilt of my life so no poker today for sure. I have 10% of yoda and 10% of raidan in full tilt, hopefully they do well.

UPDATE: Ya we all lost. On a good note, i spent 21$ on a turbo sat and won a seat into sunday 215$ tourny. Hopefully that will go better.


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