Ckrads Poker life.

Saturday, August 07, 2004


So i decided to play someone 1/2 this morning. Played for tables buying in max at each..Things were going well i was up about 100 overall after winning small pots. Then it went sour...flopped a flush vs higher flush, lost a decent amount. Then i flop two pair in a heads up pot, made my boat on turn after some betting on flop. We got our money in and he hit a set for hit his set for a higher boat...oh well. Then i had to lay down QQ on turn to an all low board after lots of money got in preflop...i guess he AA.

So i went to see Harold and Kumar after my morning losses of about $280. I have to say i really enjoyed it, and i loved Kumar. I also say Napoleon Dynamite the other day, and enjoyed it as well. Harold and Kumar was probably more entertaining, but Naploeon is more fun to talk about afterwords. After that i got some pizza at Beach Cities pizza then took the gf home because shes going to Boston concert with her family. So i sat at three 1/2 table with 200 each...things were going poorly until i got AA at all three tables simulatenously. Two of the tables i ended up doubling up and the other table they folded to my small preflop raise to 6. So all in all i won my money back plus some. I may play more tonight, depends on if i go to my friends house or not.

One of the AA hand was like this, im in BB and guy in cutoff makes it 6. I just call. Flop is K52. i check he bets 12 i make it 34 or so. He calls, turn 5. Now this was a goo card for me, because it made me not fear him hitting two pair. I put him on KQ or maybe AK. So i just made a moderate bet hoping to be called, 44$. He calls. River is Q. Im hoping he has KQ so he'll pay me off. I Push in, and bingo he has KQ and calls.


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