Ckrads Poker life.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

50+5 noon NLH tourny

bad run of cards so far... a total of 2 out of 32 (6%). My new friend 69madman69 has tripled up already though :)

Just got all in vs a shortstack for 1k pot, i had JJ he had AQs hit A n turn, so im down to 1k.

I had 1400 chips, guy min raises to 200, i push in with 88 he calsl with QQ. flop 8KK i gold on to double up to 2950, poor guy. Two hands later get i get KK in the BB. Short stack goes in for 615, another guy(masterofpuptz who i three way split with last night in the 22$ NLH).

SS had 66 and master had 77. 4 spades fall the SS wins main pot i win win side pot to stay even. Few hand later i get QQ in cut off raise it, BB(huge stack) calls. flop he bets i raise he calls, i bet big turn he calls, river pairs board he goes all in i have to fold. He shows a set. GAY.

UPDATE: I had about 5k, then won coinflip vs big stack AK vs his TT, then very next hand, button makes it 450 to go, i go all in with KK he calls with AQ, hits A im back down to 6k. 10k in chips made me top 3 with 110 left.

I just couldnt win any of the big hands. 15k pot KK vs AQ i lose, 15k pot AQ vs JJ i lose...just couldnt win any showdowns which hurts. Ive got 2800 in chips with 200/400 blinds, 300/600 soon.

UPDATE: im out. Got in for 8k pot 66 vs AKo. K came on flop though. I lost my last like 6 all ins, most of em i had the adv and 2 were coinflips.


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