Ckrads Poker life.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Poker School

I signed up/bought my first month's membershi pat I hope to improve my cash game with Green Plastics videos. Hes a top cash game player, playing at high as 50/100 NL and 100/200 NL. Im sure if i leanr even a few things it will pay off.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Back At Home

Im back at home and unpacked etc. I got home late last thursday night. All weekend i was hanging out with my family and relatives for my brothers graduation from UCI. Congrats to him. Also, ive been to the beach today and yesterday. Other than that ive been hanging with friends a bit, watching World Cup Soccer, and playing a computer game(WoW, if you know what that is) that my brother is getting me to play a little bit.

I also took my grandma on a hot date to see Break Up tuesday. I really liked it, it was pretty funny but also serious and pretty true in regards to relationships ending. So im hitting the casino saturday with friends. I havent really been playing online poker much. Ive also had only dialup internet since tuesday and wont get high speed back until saturday.

USA soccer was disappointing, and Bruce Arena(the coach) needs to be fired ASAP. His 4-5-1 style was shit for our team. We have offensive talent that he just didnt use and he basically handicapped the offensive players he did use. Hopefully the new coach with run an offense with at least 2 strikers so people like Donovan have some passing options. McBride was stuck on an island triple covered the whole World Cup. sigh.

OK bye.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Les Mis and Finals

I went to The Pantages saturday and saw Les Miserables. Its my favorite play i think and it was sweet. I had my spanish final this morning and i dominated it. I have Econ 102 final tomorrow at 8am, i think ill do ok, and then my last final thursday at 8am for comm 10. Then summertime, woohoo.

USA got spanked today in soccer, we played like shit so oh well.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I made a post elsewhere about 11+rebuys tournament strategy. Ill psot it here in case someone wants to read.

I find im a MUCH better deepstack player than most people i will run into in these. Thus, i want enough chips to take most of THEIR chips when they make mistakes vs me. This means i want at least xx amount of chips, which lends to stopping after i get xx chips. However, i also want to be huge just to make it easier to make it deep, which means gambling nonstop.

These two forces combine, and i usually all in with tons of hands until i get to 10-12k. This can vary from night to night if im feeling in a gamble mood or not, but this is my general rule.

I gamble a lot to get a big stack. This will cost me many rebuys most nights, altho sometimes youll get lucky and get big quick. This costs more rebuys than most people. However the idea behind it(and many good players use it) is that they play a big stack so well that they are making up for the rebuys with ++EV in the tourny. I dont know if youre this good yet, but youll figure it out once you play a few if you have a big edge or not yet.

Now lets talk about actual play during the rebuy period with my style. This means im pushing 54, 67,79s!!!!, 78s, any pair, and high cards etc until i double to 6k(i rebought to 3k obivously). Then ill still play many hands trying for one more double, but only if i have a decent chance. this means i stop [pushing with 78 etc, i still play any pairs and AK/AQ/KQs(depending on table looseness). Once i get to 10-12k, i tighten up but dont become a vag. Im still playing to accumulate, just as i would be after the rebuy period. Ill still get money in with AK and JJ++, or 99/TT depeending on players of course. I always addon. If i lose my stack at some point in the rebuy perdiod, i double rebuy and start the process over.

After that its deep stack play, but thats another post. hope this helps.

Sit N Goes Extravaganza

SNGs, or One table tournaments, have been my game of choice lately. I played the $114 turbos and $225 turbos a ton. Both will be beatable for me in the long run, i am definitely one of the best players. However, i had a pretty sick cold run in the 225s so im doing 114s and 55s for awhile to get my roll up. Im still running pretty cold, losing with overpairs and as 3:1 favorites regularly in key spots, such as with 4 left(3 spots pay).

In fact, in a batch of 114 turbos, i just got 4th in 6 of a batch of 9. In all 6 of those i took a bad beat to go out. Such as AK vs AJ ot AJ vs A6 etc. Im still breaking even for the bunch though, the players are horrible. The players are insanely bad in the 55s also. With my style i usually only need one or two handto hold up and im in the money, im pretty confident with my style.

My "to work on goal" is 4 handed play, aka "the bubble play". In the recent batch i got in good every time but jsut got unlucky. however in earlier sngs ifelt i made some mistakes. So that is my goal for now. However, i wont be playing much the next 1.5 weeks because i have finals starting friday. Ill play here and there, but starting tomrrow im going to be studying.

Once summer starts ill probably start some 10k in 25 days from sngs goal or something.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Wild Day

So yesterday i run bad in 2/4 NL and then tilt a little off to top it off. I log off. Then I decided to log back on later. I entered some sit-n-goes(1 table tournaments) which used to be my bread and butter. I ran cold at first, then came around and ended up making making most of my cash losses.

I also entered a couple tournaments. I got deep in two of the four, $109 NL on party poker and 11+Rebuys NL on pokerstars. I went pretty card dead in the 109 and got 14th. First was 12,300, but oh well at least i finished in the money. The Pokerstars tournament was slightly depressing. It was a bit up and down, losing with the nuts then have another idiot try to give me chips and id be bac kin it. I was the chipleader or top 10 for most of the second half of the tournament. I was 6th of 29 at 10/20k blinds with like a 1k ante. The other semi deecent stack at my table makes it 60k from the cutoff(one spot before the dealer button), leaving himself like 280k behind. I push in with 99 from the big blind and he hinks 3 seocnds, then calls with....A7 offsuit. What the fuck. He turns an ace of course and rakes the huge pot. BRTUAL. I would have had a bit over 900k, been in first place with 28 left, and easily sailed to the final table. Instead i was crippled with like 250k. I worked my way back up to a 550k peak., then with my tables 4 handed and the blnids at 20k/40k, i pushed in for 450k with a8s. A guy with about 900k thinks and calsl with ATs. Meh, i would not have called in hi spot for half his chips with such a marginal hands, but oh well. I flop the nut flush draw but miss and im out. I really think i played as good as i can, which is super good. If my 99 had held u pvs A7o(honestly, wtf what an idiot, i want him to do that, but i want it to hold up sigh) i woulda been in the driver seat for the rest of the tournament. The blinds slow down to double levels at 20/40k, so i coulda safely grew my chips avoiding confrontations without big hands.

Oh well.
Im gonna focus on sngs for awhile i think. Ill still paly some cash, but i think sngs will be good too. that way i can do cash in 60-90 minute spurts, which i think is best for me at this point. Lately ive been sucking after grinding cash games for too long a period. ADD i guess.