Ckrads Poker life.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Sit N Goes Extravaganza

SNGs, or One table tournaments, have been my game of choice lately. I played the $114 turbos and $225 turbos a ton. Both will be beatable for me in the long run, i am definitely one of the best players. However, i had a pretty sick cold run in the 225s so im doing 114s and 55s for awhile to get my roll up. Im still running pretty cold, losing with overpairs and as 3:1 favorites regularly in key spots, such as with 4 left(3 spots pay).

In fact, in a batch of 114 turbos, i just got 4th in 6 of a batch of 9. In all 6 of those i took a bad beat to go out. Such as AK vs AJ ot AJ vs A6 etc. Im still breaking even for the bunch though, the players are horrible. The players are insanely bad in the 55s also. With my style i usually only need one or two handto hold up and im in the money, im pretty confident with my style.

My "to work on goal" is 4 handed play, aka "the bubble play". In the recent batch i got in good every time but jsut got unlucky. however in earlier sngs ifelt i made some mistakes. So that is my goal for now. However, i wont be playing much the next 1.5 weeks because i have finals starting friday. Ill play here and there, but starting tomrrow im going to be studying.

Once summer starts ill probably start some 10k in 25 days from sngs goal or something.


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