Ckrads Poker life.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Back At Home

Im back at home and unpacked etc. I got home late last thursday night. All weekend i was hanging out with my family and relatives for my brothers graduation from UCI. Congrats to him. Also, ive been to the beach today and yesterday. Other than that ive been hanging with friends a bit, watching World Cup Soccer, and playing a computer game(WoW, if you know what that is) that my brother is getting me to play a little bit.

I also took my grandma on a hot date to see Break Up tuesday. I really liked it, it was pretty funny but also serious and pretty true in regards to relationships ending. So im hitting the casino saturday with friends. I havent really been playing online poker much. Ive also had only dialup internet since tuesday and wont get high speed back until saturday.

USA soccer was disappointing, and Bruce Arena(the coach) needs to be fired ASAP. His 4-5-1 style was shit for our team. We have offensive talent that he just didnt use and he basically handicapped the offensive players he did use. Hopefully the new coach with run an offense with at least 2 strikers so people like Donovan have some passing options. McBride was stuck on an island triple covered the whole World Cup. sigh.

OK bye.


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