Ckrads Poker life.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Wild Day

So yesterday i run bad in 2/4 NL and then tilt a little off to top it off. I log off. Then I decided to log back on later. I entered some sit-n-goes(1 table tournaments) which used to be my bread and butter. I ran cold at first, then came around and ended up making making most of my cash losses.

I also entered a couple tournaments. I got deep in two of the four, $109 NL on party poker and 11+Rebuys NL on pokerstars. I went pretty card dead in the 109 and got 14th. First was 12,300, but oh well at least i finished in the money. The Pokerstars tournament was slightly depressing. It was a bit up and down, losing with the nuts then have another idiot try to give me chips and id be bac kin it. I was the chipleader or top 10 for most of the second half of the tournament. I was 6th of 29 at 10/20k blinds with like a 1k ante. The other semi deecent stack at my table makes it 60k from the cutoff(one spot before the dealer button), leaving himself like 280k behind. I push in with 99 from the big blind and he hinks 3 seocnds, then calls with....A7 offsuit. What the fuck. He turns an ace of course and rakes the huge pot. BRTUAL. I would have had a bit over 900k, been in first place with 28 left, and easily sailed to the final table. Instead i was crippled with like 250k. I worked my way back up to a 550k peak., then with my tables 4 handed and the blnids at 20k/40k, i pushed in for 450k with a8s. A guy with about 900k thinks and calsl with ATs. Meh, i would not have called in hi spot for half his chips with such a marginal hands, but oh well. I flop the nut flush draw but miss and im out. I really think i played as good as i can, which is super good. If my 99 had held u pvs A7o(honestly, wtf what an idiot, i want him to do that, but i want it to hold up sigh) i woulda been in the driver seat for the rest of the tournament. The blinds slow down to double levels at 20/40k, so i coulda safely grew my chips avoiding confrontations without big hands.

Oh well.
Im gonna focus on sngs for awhile i think. Ill still paly some cash, but i think sngs will be good too. that way i can do cash in 60-90 minute spurts, which i think is best for me at this point. Lately ive been sucking after grinding cash games for too long a period. ADD i guess.


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