Ckrads Poker life.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I made a post elsewhere about 11+rebuys tournament strategy. Ill psot it here in case someone wants to read.

I find im a MUCH better deepstack player than most people i will run into in these. Thus, i want enough chips to take most of THEIR chips when they make mistakes vs me. This means i want at least xx amount of chips, which lends to stopping after i get xx chips. However, i also want to be huge just to make it easier to make it deep, which means gambling nonstop.

These two forces combine, and i usually all in with tons of hands until i get to 10-12k. This can vary from night to night if im feeling in a gamble mood or not, but this is my general rule.

I gamble a lot to get a big stack. This will cost me many rebuys most nights, altho sometimes youll get lucky and get big quick. This costs more rebuys than most people. However the idea behind it(and many good players use it) is that they play a big stack so well that they are making up for the rebuys with ++EV in the tourny. I dont know if youre this good yet, but youll figure it out once you play a few if you have a big edge or not yet.

Now lets talk about actual play during the rebuy period with my style. This means im pushing 54, 67,79s!!!!, 78s, any pair, and high cards etc until i double to 6k(i rebought to 3k obivously). Then ill still play many hands trying for one more double, but only if i have a decent chance. this means i stop [pushing with 78 etc, i still play any pairs and AK/AQ/KQs(depending on table looseness). Once i get to 10-12k, i tighten up but dont become a vag. Im still playing to accumulate, just as i would be after the rebuy period. Ill still get money in with AK and JJ++, or 99/TT depeending on players of course. I always addon. If i lose my stack at some point in the rebuy perdiod, i double rebuy and start the process over.

After that its deep stack play, but thats another post. hope this helps.


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