Ckrads Poker life.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

no more 5/10 for awhile

I lost msot of my bankroll in like 2 hours tonight. People were playing horrible and basically trying to dump chips to me, but kept pulling amazing suckouts to win my money. I was already down huge when this hand occured. I had a bunch of my roll at one table in which i was actualyl up to about 1700. Then i lost it in one hand, when i got all in on turn with THE NUTS.

I had JT, and 789Q was down. We got 1500 more in on turn each and the board paired when a 7 fell. He had a set obbiously and took the pot. Sweet. I Guy bet 500 into me on turn, and i think "well i have the nuts, but i know ill get sucked out on once again maybe ill fold." Too nad i didnt listen, i pushed in for $1500 with THE BEST HAND POSSIBLE and managed to lose. cool beans.

UCLA vs USC Saturday

The big game is saturday. UCLA is a 21 point dog on most sports betting sites right now. I put $100 on UCLA for fun. The parade and bonfire is tomorrow night. I hope we beat USC, i really hate those fuckers.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Life got Serious

Life got Real. Can't talk about it.

Monday, November 21, 2005


San Diego State Trip with friends. Very much fun and many hot girls I blacked out for a bit apparently, either from the alcohol or the smokin hot girls. Im leaning towards the latter considering I never black out. Poker going well, i think i can handle 5/10 NL well. Thanksgiving weekend coming up, i leaving early Wed. aftrenoon.

Monday, November 14, 2005

$11 Rebuy and Midterm

So i playe da 1342 person $11 rebuy tournament last night. Ive had success at this tourny in the past, and made a lot of money off of it. I Made the final table, and first as worth 13.5k with 2nd being 8k. Anyways, i was pretty card dead the entire final table and managed to get 4th place. I busted when i pushed all in with AQo four handed for 800k chips vs a guy raising every pot. He called the 600k more and showed KK. First hand i had in a long time, and he shows KK. Although normally i would be made i missed the super big money(4th was worth 3800), im actualyl glad with my finish. The people at table were getting INSANE cards, like ive never seen so many high pairs in such a short span before. I wasnt getting my share, so 4th was a good finish. I chose my spots well and got lucky when i needed to.

I got a decent grade on my midterms, so thats good. Im not failing out.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

: )

Well, the Bruins rocked yesterday and took out the ASU Sun Devils. We are 9-1 and have 3 weeks to prepare for the USC Loser...i mean Trojans. I was right at the front rail, so i was on ABS a few times with my buds. All my midterms are over, so thats pretty sweet. Now i just need to try to keep up so i dont have to cram too much at finals. Im finally recovered from all my illnesses, but i still am having some weird ear problems on and off. No pain, just weird pressure stuff.

Have has mixed poker results. Running pretty bad in 5/10 NL, but im still up overall since moving there.

College has been fun, i was finally able to party a bit again this weekend :)

Friday, November 04, 2005

Sick Poker Goes Well

Well, i am sitting in my room at college on a friday night alone and sober. No, i havent turned boring. I am recovering from being very sick. TV wasnt too exciting, the Lakers werent even on. Tomorrow is College football saturday thankfully, so that will make sitting more entertaining. Anyways, i palyed a bit of poker then got bored. I played a computer game for a bit, but i can never play those things very long anymore. So i logged back onto Pokerstars and sat 5 5/10 NL tables, meaning i had 1k at each table for 5k total in play. I got a little early, then took a bad beat to get stuck a little. Then half the tables got shorthanded suddenly, dont know why. I played loose weak and donked off a bunch of money. I lost like 2k heads up to some guy dumbly. So i decided to man up and focus, and play my tight aggressive game, but only was doing 4 tables bc of my smaller amount of $$ on the site after my losses.

I grinded back to even playing well, then got up some. Then I caught fire ir my arms for my biggest pot ever. Was a $4500 pot for like 2300 profit or something.

PokerStars Game #2977102749: Hold'em No Limit ($5/$10) - 2005/11/05 - 02:29:52 (ET)
Table 'Medon' Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: ARCHILLES ($1032 in chips)
Seat 2: Ckrad ($2260 in chips)
Seat 3: morello05 ($985 in chips)
Seat 4: DuyTheMaster ($2960 in chips)
Seat 5: kcmack3333 ($795.15 in chips)
Seat 6: Alotofaction ($1172 in chips)
Seat 7: fixedset ($1000 in chips)
Seat 8: BinaryFinary ($1000 in chips)
Seat 9: kev09161978 ($1186.25 in chips)
DuyTheMaster: posts small blind $5
kcmack3333: posts big blind $10
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Ckrad [Js Jd]
Alotofaction: folds
fixedset: folds
BinaryFinary: folds
kev09161978: folds
Ckrad: raises $30 to $40
morello05: folds
DuyTheMaster: calls $35
kcmack3333: folds
*** FLOP *** [3h Jc Th]
DuyTheMaster: checks
Ckrad: bets $50
DuyTheMaster: calls $50
*** TURN *** [3h Jc Th] [Kc]
DuyTheMaster: checks
Ckrad: bets $110
DuyTheMaster: raises $290 to $400
Ckrad: calls $290
*** RIVER *** [3h Jc Th Kc] [3d]
DuyTheMaster: bets $1200
Ckrad: raises $570 to $1770 and is all-in
DuyTheMaster: calls $570
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Ckrad: shows [Js Jd] (a full house, Jacks full of Threes)
DuyTheMaster: mucks hand
Ckrad collected $4527 from pot
Ckrad said, "wow"
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $4530 | Rake $3
Board [3h Jc Th Kc 3d]
Seat 1: ARCHILLES folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: Ckrad showed [Js Jd] and won ($4527) with a full house, Jacks full of Threes
Seat 3: morello05 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: DuyTheMaster (small blind) mucked [Qd Ac]
Seat 5: kcmack3333 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 6: Alotofaction folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: fixedset folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: BinaryFinary folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: kev09161978 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

After that hand, as i was writing this i won another 1k off some guy who min reraise my raise, i called with 66 knowing he had overpair. I was hopingto hit my set, and bam i did. 865 falls, he bets huge so i push he calls and loses with QQ.
So after being stuck a few grand early, this night turned out well :) I playd 3 full tables and one 3-handed table. I feel like im the best player at my tables right now, at least i DEFINITELY am at this 3 handed table.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Midterm and SICK

Ive been pretty damn sick the past few days. And that made it pretty hard to study for the midterm i had today, Econ 11. I dont think i did well, mainly because it required insane algebra use which pisses me off. I went to the Ashe Center for my medical appointment. They took a culture of my throat and are emailing me tomorrow if i have Strep throat, in which case i need antibitoics. I DO have pink eye though in my right eye. So i got drops for that, hopefully it clears up. My plan for weekend is recovery via rest and doing nothing. Although friday i have class 3 to 4, then theres the mens bball opener in the night. Not sure if i should go or not, i dont want to spread my pink eye to The Den. I also might study a bit over the weekend for my midterm on tuesday, Management 100 aka Acounting.