Ckrads Poker life.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

no more 5/10 for awhile

I lost msot of my bankroll in like 2 hours tonight. People were playing horrible and basically trying to dump chips to me, but kept pulling amazing suckouts to win my money. I was already down huge when this hand occured. I had a bunch of my roll at one table in which i was actualyl up to about 1700. Then i lost it in one hand, when i got all in on turn with THE NUTS.

I had JT, and 789Q was down. We got 1500 more in on turn each and the board paired when a 7 fell. He had a set obbiously and took the pot. Sweet. I Guy bet 500 into me on turn, and i think "well i have the nuts, but i know ill get sucked out on once again maybe ill fold." Too nad i didnt listen, i pushed in for $1500 with THE BEST HAND POSSIBLE and managed to lose. cool beans.


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