Ckrads Poker life.

Monday, November 14, 2005

$11 Rebuy and Midterm

So i playe da 1342 person $11 rebuy tournament last night. Ive had success at this tourny in the past, and made a lot of money off of it. I Made the final table, and first as worth 13.5k with 2nd being 8k. Anyways, i was pretty card dead the entire final table and managed to get 4th place. I busted when i pushed all in with AQo four handed for 800k chips vs a guy raising every pot. He called the 600k more and showed KK. First hand i had in a long time, and he shows KK. Although normally i would be made i missed the super big money(4th was worth 3800), im actualyl glad with my finish. The people at table were getting INSANE cards, like ive never seen so many high pairs in such a short span before. I wasnt getting my share, so 4th was a good finish. I chose my spots well and got lucky when i needed to.

I got a decent grade on my midterms, so thats good. Im not failing out.


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