Ckrads Poker life.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

: )

Well, the Bruins rocked yesterday and took out the ASU Sun Devils. We are 9-1 and have 3 weeks to prepare for the USC Loser...i mean Trojans. I was right at the front rail, so i was on ABS a few times with my buds. All my midterms are over, so thats pretty sweet. Now i just need to try to keep up so i dont have to cram too much at finals. Im finally recovered from all my illnesses, but i still am having some weird ear problems on and off. No pain, just weird pressure stuff.

Have has mixed poker results. Running pretty bad in 5/10 NL, but im still up overall since moving there.

College has been fun, i was finally able to party a bit again this weekend :)


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