Ckrads Poker life.

Monday, October 31, 2005

ADPi Presents and a Midterm

So sunday night i got back from ORange county, where i chilled for the weekend with the parents. Sunday night was ADPi presents and i was asked by an ADPi obviously. Anyways Mike and Jeremy went too. There was a lot of drinking and i got real drunk and danced a lot etc and had a lot of fun like i tend to have at the ADPi events. The girls are fun and little bit so its fun.

Monday(today) at 3 i had my first midterm of the year. It was for Microbiology, and i think i did pretty well on it. So luckily i didnt lose to many brain cells the night before. Its halloween, but im pretty tired as after my mifterm i finished my accounting project which is finally doneeee. It stole so many hours from my life. So i want to stay in tonight but we will see.

Saturday, October 29, 2005


UCLA scored 3 touchdowns in 8 minutes tonight to tie Standford and then win in overtime. I almost had a heart attack. Im at home in the OC right now. Life has been school, partying, and hanging out with friends. Been playing a bit of 3/6 NL here and there, im pretty sure i can consistently beat it.

Ive been playing some poker tonight, and im deep in a satellite to the Atlantis pokerstars World Poker Tour event. The 4th hour just started and im 4/17, ill report back later. Only one person gets the seat, which is worth 12k after entry, hotel, and spending cash. 2-5 get $650 and 6th get $190.

UPDATE: I was elminated in 11th place. We were 6 handed for a long time and i wasnt really playing any hands. Ive got about 58k, and the blnids are 1500/3k with a 150 ante. Second guy to act makes it 9k, i raise to 36k with AhKh, best hand id seen in a long time, and he pushes. I call and hes left with 2k, this pot is for 120k++ and chip lead. I miss all Aces, kings, and hearts, and im out. Its hard because i didnt make a mistake, i cant really just call with AKs out of position and shorthanded. Ive just never been able to catch a break in a big tournament or satellite throughout my entire poker career. Perhaps one day i will. But for now, no WPT.

OH, and before the AKs hand(like 20 minutes before), i lost with KK after i trapped a guy with AT for all his chips preflop. HE hit an A and stole the nice pot.

Im driving back up to UCLA tomorrow(well today, its past midnight) and going to Presents with a nice ADpi girl. Hopefully itll be fun. THen monday i have my first midterm of the year.

Friday, October 21, 2005

This is a poker post

So i was playing somepoker tonight, although under the influence of wine i play well on wine. Anyways i made like 1600 playing well vs people dumping money vs me with mediocre stuff. I wasnt getting any nuts hands vs 2nd nuts etc. Then i started losing with 2nd nuts a bunch. I had KK vs AA on low flop in a situation i couldnt fold and lost a bunch. Then in a heads pot i had 74 on a 9477 board and lost a lot because he had 99. wow again. Then on a KKQJA board i had AA for the top full house, but he had KK!!!! OVer 2k pot. Pokerstars set me up for over 2000$ in losses. Just ridiculous.

PokerStars Game #2862700268: Hold'em No Limit ($3/$6) - 2005/10/22 - 02:13:24 (ET)
Table 'Genua III' Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: BinaryFinary ($633 in chips)
Seat 2: stfu donny ($397.40 in chips)
Seat 3: Skullyfish ($163.85 in chips)
Seat 5: needtime1 ($371.80 in chips)
Seat 6: bottolfsen ($1529.10 in chips)
Seat 7: gruvy ($672 in chips)
Seat 8: dark1013 ($1021.40 in chips)
Seat 9: Ckrad ($1175.60 in chips)
bottolfsen: posts small blind $3
gruvy: posts big blind $6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Ckrad [Ad As]
stuckatruck has returned
dark1013: raises $12 to $18
Ckrad: raises $30 to $48
BinaryFinary: folds
stfu donny: folds
Skullyfish: folds
needtime1: folds
bottolfsen: folds
gruvy: folds
dark1013: calls $30
*** FLOP *** [Kd Kc Qh]
dark1013: checks
Ckrad: bets $30
dark1013: raises $48 to $78
Ckrad: calls $48
*** TURN *** [Kd Kc Qh] [Jh]
dark1013: checks
Ckrad: checks
*** RIVER *** [Kd Kc Qh Jh] [Ac]
stuckatruck is sitting out
stuckatruck has returned
dark1013: bets $258
Ckrad: raises $791.60 to $1049.60 and is all-in
dark1013: calls $637.40 and is all-in
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Ckrad: shows [Ad As] (a full house, Aces full of Kings)
dark1013: shows [Ks Kh] (four of a kind, Kings)
Ckrad said, "ygjmhgjh"
dark1013 collected $2048.80 from pot
Ckrad said, "rttyutuetur"
Ckrad said, "tyututruytr"
Ckrad said, "HOLY ****"
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2051.80 | Rake $3
Board [Kd Kc Qh Jh Ac]
Seat 1: BinaryFinary folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 2: stfu donny folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: Skullyfish folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: needtime1 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: bottolfsen (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 7: gruvy (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 8: dark1013 showed [Ks Kh] and won ($2048.80) with four of a kind, Kings
Seat 9: Ckrad showed [Ad As] and lost with a full house, Aces full of Kings

Friday, October 14, 2005

And the World Keeps Flowing

Its friday and i just got back from my last class for the weak. I got some Red Hot Tamale candy today for microbio. So last saturday rocked, i was in the 5th row or so for the big UCLA win over CAL at the rosebowl. It was a wild win that had us coming back in the 4th quarter to win the game. The CAL people were kinda lame, they were hissing and booing at our band during the NATIONAL ANTHEM. How dumb. Anyways, the victory shot us to #12 in the AP poll. We have a very expected shot at going 9-0(winning our next 4 games against bad teams). The toughest game of the next 4 is tomorrow at Washington ST where its always tough to play. Im excited for it.

The Angels also pulled through and fucked up everyones least favorite team, the Yankees. Game 3 vs Chicago is tonight, hopefully they will win and go up 2-1. Ive been partying a lot, continuing the trend. I guess the most notable event of the week was Wed. night when i went to the ADPi Grab a date party thing. The theme was Ghetto Fabulous so i got down with my ghetto side. I might post a pic on here if i get one. It was really fun and skyy vodka was the drink of choice. Historically, i hate skyy because it was the first drink to ever get me sick, but i didnt mind it on Wed, so thats good. WE danced for several hours straight then headed back to the dorms. Anyways i danced basically the whole time. I had a project due thursday for my management class, but im so responsible i had it done by monday. Go ME!!!

So, in summary, im the shit, and go Bruins.

Friday, October 07, 2005


So i feel like making a post about microbiology, which is the class i just had. The female professor rocks. She brings candy and chips to class everyday as some sort of prop, and then passes it out during class to eat. Sometimes she doesnt even bother with an excuse. So, today, she had runts which i ate, some teeth shaped candy, and then pringles and fat free pringles. She tells us the fat free pringles used to have a diarhea warning etc etc due to that lipid replacement material, then passes them out. So the fat free ones get passed through like 15 kids and no one cracks the seal. It gets handed to be and i decide to MAN UP and crack that baby open. I take out 3-4 chips and pass it to my left as i eat my first chip. The skaterish dude 2 seats to my left take a few too, following my crackage. They werent bad, and my stomach feels fine ; ) And thats my story.

So busy busy

So i guess ill start wit the football game saturday. We got their realy early and has seats in the fourth row in the heart of the Den(hardcore student section). Not only did this make it exciting, but apparently i was on tv like 3 times. UCLA came back late to beat Washington. It was ugly, but im sure glad we didnt blow that game. Sunday night i went to a Delta Gamma party and it was pretty crowded, so after saying hi to the DGs we knew we headed back to the dorms with some ADPis and a DG and partied there until real late. Of note sunday night was my first experience of red bull/vodka which i liked bc it got me fucking up pretty fast. The next few days are a blur of school and staying u late. I think my average bed time in college thus far is like 3 am. Thursday night we prepartied a bit then went out. We chilled in sigma chi for a bit and then did some other westwood wandering before coming back. So now its friday, im about to go to my one friday class which is 3-4:20. Hopefully tonight is fun, and tomorrow in the big game vs CAL. LETS GO BRUINS.

I havent really played any poker, been to busy hanging out with people nonstop which is better than poker anyways. People love room 559! But i played for like 40 minutes wed. and got in 4 heads up which i went 4-0 in and made like $180. haha.

I have also been watching the Angels of course. I fucking hate the Yankees, and i hate Giambi and Arod. Anywyas, its tied 1-1 and its a best of 5 series. Next game is tonight so good luck Angels!

I need to party less, sleep more, and study some. We will see how it goes.

P.S. i like girls.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

My Birthday

Today, October 1st, i turn 20. I am no longer a teen, thats about the only change for the age of 20. One more Year and i can play in VEGAS and Commerce casino etc. And of course, i can buy alcohol. So the UCLA football game is tonight so we got wasted last night. I started off the night going to the UCLA-USC girls volleyball game, we lost but it was somewhat close. I wanted the ref to administer a gender check on some of the beastly sized USC girls. After that we went to my friends party in Saxon which was strobe light dancing style. Then as midnight approached i came back to Rieber because my girl friends made me promise id be there for my bday, but of course i woulda been anyways for them! We drank and partied more in my room with a bunch of people, and a few different girls end up puking. So as my roommate says, that means it was a successful party. Tonight is the football game, go bruins.

Oh, i didnt get sick. Thats the most ive ever drinken without getting sick.