Ckrads Poker life.

Saturday, October 29, 2005


UCLA scored 3 touchdowns in 8 minutes tonight to tie Standford and then win in overtime. I almost had a heart attack. Im at home in the OC right now. Life has been school, partying, and hanging out with friends. Been playing a bit of 3/6 NL here and there, im pretty sure i can consistently beat it.

Ive been playing some poker tonight, and im deep in a satellite to the Atlantis pokerstars World Poker Tour event. The 4th hour just started and im 4/17, ill report back later. Only one person gets the seat, which is worth 12k after entry, hotel, and spending cash. 2-5 get $650 and 6th get $190.

UPDATE: I was elminated in 11th place. We were 6 handed for a long time and i wasnt really playing any hands. Ive got about 58k, and the blnids are 1500/3k with a 150 ante. Second guy to act makes it 9k, i raise to 36k with AhKh, best hand id seen in a long time, and he pushes. I call and hes left with 2k, this pot is for 120k++ and chip lead. I miss all Aces, kings, and hearts, and im out. Its hard because i didnt make a mistake, i cant really just call with AKs out of position and shorthanded. Ive just never been able to catch a break in a big tournament or satellite throughout my entire poker career. Perhaps one day i will. But for now, no WPT.

OH, and before the AKs hand(like 20 minutes before), i lost with KK after i trapped a guy with AT for all his chips preflop. HE hit an A and stole the nice pot.

Im driving back up to UCLA tomorrow(well today, its past midnight) and going to Presents with a nice ADpi girl. Hopefully itll be fun. THen monday i have my first midterm of the year.


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