Ckrads Poker life.

Friday, October 07, 2005

So busy busy

So i guess ill start wit the football game saturday. We got their realy early and has seats in the fourth row in the heart of the Den(hardcore student section). Not only did this make it exciting, but apparently i was on tv like 3 times. UCLA came back late to beat Washington. It was ugly, but im sure glad we didnt blow that game. Sunday night i went to a Delta Gamma party and it was pretty crowded, so after saying hi to the DGs we knew we headed back to the dorms with some ADPis and a DG and partied there until real late. Of note sunday night was my first experience of red bull/vodka which i liked bc it got me fucking up pretty fast. The next few days are a blur of school and staying u late. I think my average bed time in college thus far is like 3 am. Thursday night we prepartied a bit then went out. We chilled in sigma chi for a bit and then did some other westwood wandering before coming back. So now its friday, im about to go to my one friday class which is 3-4:20. Hopefully tonight is fun, and tomorrow in the big game vs CAL. LETS GO BRUINS.

I havent really played any poker, been to busy hanging out with people nonstop which is better than poker anyways. People love room 559! But i played for like 40 minutes wed. and got in 4 heads up which i went 4-0 in and made like $180. haha.

I have also been watching the Angels of course. I fucking hate the Yankees, and i hate Giambi and Arod. Anywyas, its tied 1-1 and its a best of 5 series. Next game is tonight so good luck Angels!

I need to party less, sleep more, and study some. We will see how it goes.

P.S. i like girls.


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