Ckrads Poker life.

Friday, October 07, 2005


So i feel like making a post about microbiology, which is the class i just had. The female professor rocks. She brings candy and chips to class everyday as some sort of prop, and then passes it out during class to eat. Sometimes she doesnt even bother with an excuse. So, today, she had runts which i ate, some teeth shaped candy, and then pringles and fat free pringles. She tells us the fat free pringles used to have a diarhea warning etc etc due to that lipid replacement material, then passes them out. So the fat free ones get passed through like 15 kids and no one cracks the seal. It gets handed to be and i decide to MAN UP and crack that baby open. I take out 3-4 chips and pass it to my left as i eat my first chip. The skaterish dude 2 seats to my left take a few too, following my crackage. They werent bad, and my stomach feels fine ; ) And thats my story.


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