Ckrads Poker life.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

My Birthday

Today, October 1st, i turn 20. I am no longer a teen, thats about the only change for the age of 20. One more Year and i can play in VEGAS and Commerce casino etc. And of course, i can buy alcohol. So the UCLA football game is tonight so we got wasted last night. I started off the night going to the UCLA-USC girls volleyball game, we lost but it was somewhat close. I wanted the ref to administer a gender check on some of the beastly sized USC girls. After that we went to my friends party in Saxon which was strobe light dancing style. Then as midnight approached i came back to Rieber because my girl friends made me promise id be there for my bday, but of course i woulda been anyways for them! We drank and partied more in my room with a bunch of people, and a few different girls end up puking. So as my roommate says, that means it was a successful party. Tonight is the football game, go bruins.

Oh, i didnt get sick. Thats the most ive ever drinken without getting sick.


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