Ckrads Poker life.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Won a $22 NL on Stars

Won for a good $2810 payday. I was a chip leader from like 26 down to most of final table, then got down during final 4 and fought my way back for the win. I was a monster leader at time having morethan 3x the amount the 2nd place guy had. Highlight for me was getting AA vs medium stacks KK with like 12 left. Its nice because ive had like 6 KK vs AA run ins this past week :)

Monday, April 25, 2005

ug, poker blows right now

lost the party 640 when my nut flush gotrunner runner boated.
lost the stars 530 AK vs QJ.

Was just a chip leader in the 11 rebuy night one,10.5k for first...i then lost 12 all ins in a row. 10 were preflop, 2 post flop. Odds of me losing all of these in a row like i did? 00.004%. Yes thats way less than 1 percent.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

still running bad overall on Stars but

won a 100 person $70+7 pot limit Omaha Hi/Lo on party poker for 2k. Also, got 20/207 in a stars 22 PL hold em. Down to 20, blinds 300/600 ive got like 10k, i get AK and reraise another pretty big stack all in, he calsl with 99. I flop an ace, but 4th spade hits on river to give him flush. Ive got 3k left, and twohand later gets JJ. Big stack min raises, i push all in and another guy pushes all in behind me. Opener folds and its my JJ vs other guys KdJd for large 9k pot about. Two diamonds on flop and one on river and i lose to a flush again to bust out 20th.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Running Horrible

non stop suckouts.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Took a couple days playing minimal and fooling around a bit when i did play. Got back to palying real today.

First of all, Yes i am single now.

Now to poker, played sevenral tournies didtn realyl get deep in any but a $109 double shootout in which i got second. I had chip lead heads up but he doubled A7o vs my KQ. Final hand was pretty nuts, he somehow calls all in on turn with jack high. I knew had had nothing so i think it was a good play, but other opinions are welcome.

PokerStars Game #1552877764: Tournament #7060286, Hold'em No Limit - Match Round II, Level V (75/150) - 2005/04/20 - 00:03:44 (ET)
Table '7060286 9' Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: Ckrad (4990 in chips)
Seat 7: Topher1313 (8510 in chips)
Topher1313: posts small blind 75
Ckrad: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Ckrad [9d 7s]
Topher1313: raises 150 to 300
Ckrad: calls 150
*** FLOP *** [3h 8s 6s]
Ckrad: checks
Topher1313: bets 300
Ckrad: raises 300 to 600
Topher1313: calls 300
*** TURN *** [3h 8s 6s] [3s]
Ckrad: checks
Topher1313: bets 600
Ckrad: raises 3490 to 4090 and is all-in
Topher1313: calls 3490
*** RIVER *** [3h 8s 6s 3s] [Kc]
Ckrad said, "wtf"
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Ckrad: shows [9d 7s] (a pair of Threes)
Topher1313: shows [Jd 9s] (a pair of Threes - Jack kicker)
Ckrad said, "?"
Topher1313 collected 9980 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 9980 | Rake 0
Board [3h 8s 6s 3s Kc]
Seat 1: Ckrad (big blind) showed [9d 7s] and lost with a pair of Threes
Seat 7: Topher1313 (button) (small blind) showed [Jd 9s] and won (9980) with a pair of Threes

Thursday, April 14, 2005


UCLA srevice workers were striking today so i ordered a Papa Johns pizza to eat for lunch and dinner. Also, i got up for 8 AM class and walke dall the way there on the far side of campus, got there, found it empty, and realized class was cancelled today. doh! So i played some tournies today. I won a Party Poker $109 buy in tourny for $5886. Also, i got 4th in like a 580 person 11 rebuy on stars. I went out ATo vs Q3s. Guy made a really odd call, oh well cant win every final table i make. So ya been hot still when it matters late.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

I Hate Smokers

Yes i do! Every once in awhile my dorm building has fire alarms. Theres never a fire ,but we have to leave until it gets checked out by firemen. You can't stay or you get in huge trouble. Apparently its always just some kids smoking in their room that set off the alarm. So anyways, im in this BoDog(new poker site) tournament late and i make it to final table with a sizeable chiplead and am facing some overall weak players. Im feeling good about winning the $6300 first prize. Then.BEEEP BEEEP BEEEP. FIRE ALARM. I am forced to leave. I get back 30 minutes later to find it down to 4 with me being a lowly fourth with 5 big blinds left. I am forced to fold another couple hands thne push in with an ace and lose to a guy with 66. Sigh. Oh well, took home 2k for only seeing 4 final table hands. The buy in for $35 heh.

Sunday, April 10, 2005


Did a bunch of tournies today. I'll just talk about the big buy in ones. I lost Party Poker’s Saturday $215 NL tourney KK vs QQ on 2nd hand all in pre flop when a Q fell on river. Anyways, then tonight I entered a set of tourneys on Pokerstars. I entered the 11+Rebuys, the $109 NL, and the $109+rebuys NL. I was kicking butt in all of them, although the 109 rebuy I was only in upper third of field, not like top 5. Anyways, down to 26th, im average stack with 11k in the 109 rebuy, I limp for 400 with AA UTG. @nd pos raises to 240 and it folds to me, I make it 5200 to go, and he pushes in. I call with my AA, he shows AdKd. Winner of this pot had 24k and is in 3rd place in chips. For perspective, first place was $6200 and 2nd was $4100, top 9 paid. I had spent $309 on it. Anyways he ends up making a T to A straight when that dreaded Q falls on river again. I bust out 26th quite angry. Im doing well still in others though, despite losing 95k pot in 11 rebuy KK vs 77, leaving me with 130k for the chip lead still. I was pissed and bitching at the 109 table, so gank tried to help me out and said gank [observer]: let it go ck. Ahh thx gank(WSOP Omaha hi/lo champion). As I type this im 3/12 after firing three huge bullets at a guy in the 109 that he folded on river too. Im 15/83 in the 11 rebuy. Type more later.
Update: SS went all in with AJ I called fomr SB with QQ, im 1st/10. Im also 2/60 in 11 rebuy. Ill update again after tournies.

109 UPDATE: Well after a long final table is got down to 3, and we three way even chopped it. I feel horrible for Pinkston23 though, he lost with AA twice to flushes when others had AXs, one of them was to me ;( Got heads up a bit after deal, I got chip lead but couldn’t focus with rebuy going on, so I kept going all in and lost eventually. I made $4735.54 fro mthe even chop.

11 Rebuy Update: I lost two coinflips in the rebuy started getting low. I split some chips AK vs AK vs AT. Then I was low and won A9s vs AA with a flush. SO LUCKY. SEE I ADMIT I SUCKED OUT. Then lost AJ vs AK to a pretty decent sized stack. Blinds are huge right now. Update more later.

Update: just went all in with 66 called by AK to my left. I won on Q high board. 4/16. Next update will be after.

Update: Made the final table as like 8/9. Played tight and well choosing good spots to grab chips. People slowly grinded down. Eventually it was dow nto 4, and leader had 4.5ish mil to my 1 mil and oth guys 1 mil. Other short stack kept pushing in on big stacks BB from the SB, but never got caught. Then comes this hand: He raises 3x blnid to 240k, i push all in for 1 mil with AJ he calls with A5s(bad call). My hand holds and he loses his 60k leftoevers next hand to chip leader. We play heads up for awhile i make up a little ground but cant get much going. I then limp with A3, he raises like hes been doing, and i stupidly pussh in for 1.7million or so. He calls with 99 and wins it. 6k for me though. My A3 play was horrible as the blinds still werent big enough to force me to gamble. But i thought i needed to stop his raises eventually, just chose the wrong time and ran into a pair.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Close but no cigar

Did a round of tournies late afternoon yesterday. Got close in a couple but jsut missed final tables. On Party's 15k guaranteed $33 NL (had over 20k prize pool) i got 12 loosing a monster hand when i went over top of a shorts stacks all in bet. Then another big stack called. so i had JJ vs K9 for shortstakc and AK for bigstack. An A fell and i finished 12th, (top 10 is the final table on party.) In a different 33 on there i got 18th. I also got 79/676 in the stars 11 rebuy ,just out of money. I was feeling good for awhile then it just went downhill. After those i got dinner with some friends and then partied with the floor.

Friday, April 08, 2005

hmm stuff

got 4th in the Stars 109 Pot Limit hold em tourny last night. Went out AK vs QJ, althought the last 20% of chips went in after flop, as pot limit hold em goes. G6Dragon took me out then went on to win. Ah well. Also, i decided to stay indie and not join a frat.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

woops, small error in last post

the final hand was way coller than i said. The last card wasnt a blank, it was a 7 to give me four of a kind! This is funny to be in an inside way.

PokerStars Game #1457000348: Tournament #6452495, Hold'em No Limit - Level XXII (30000/60000) - 2005/04/02 - 04:07:06 (ET)
Table '6452495 91' Seat #3 is the button
Seat 3: Ckrad (3802860 in chips)
Seat 6: mariava04 (1478640 in chips)
Ckrad: posts the ante 3000
mariava04: posts the ante 3000
Ckrad: posts small blind 30000
mariava04: posts big blind 60000
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Ckrad [7c 7d]
Ckrad: raises 60000 to 120000
mariava04: raises 1355640 to 1475640 and is all-in
Ckrad: calls 1355640
Ckrad said, "low"
Ckrad said, "low"
*** FLOP *** [As 7s Qs]
Ckrad said, "low"
Ckrad said, "yes"
the_trench [observer] said, "owned?"
Ckrad said, "red"
Ckrad said, "red"
*** TURN *** [As 7s Qs] [Qc]
*** RIVER *** [As 7s Qs Qc] [7h]
the_trench [observer] said, "owned"
Ckrad said, "wow"
Ckrad said, "gg"
*** SHOW DOWN ***
mariava04: shows [Ah Th] (two pair, Aces and Queens)
Ckrad: shows [7c 7d] (four of a kind, Sevens)
Ckrad collected 2957280 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 2957280 | Rake 0
Board [As 7s Qs Qc 7h]
Seat 3: Ckrad (button) (small blind) showed [7c 7d] and won (2957280) with four of a kind, Sevens
Seat 6: mariava04 (big blind) showed [Ah Th] and lost with two pair, Aces and Queens

Great End to a Long Night

So, its 7 and our hoem game goes bust for lack of more then 4 people. I log online and hop into some tournments. Im doing well in like 4-5 at same time getting deep. WEll in a 5 minute span, i get uscked out no stop in all of them. In the 55 omaha hi/lo limit on stars i was winning with 16 left, and got 16th. Anyways, only tourny i was still alive was the 11 rebuy on stars, lost half my stack though. Made a comeback, we are down to like 27 when i flop top pair vs a set and make this guy papi a monster, I lost 80% my stack but grinded back playing great and picking good spots. I make final table in like 4th position, but that papi guy is monster leader. Hand 3ish i trap him with my AA and get all in on K high flop vs his KJ. I hold and the table slowly swowly gets down to 6. There like 3 guys with a million. I made 3 big laydowns, some may say tight but i felt good aabout them. No need to risk 50-75% my stack on risky things. The observers were gonig crazy calling me a newb though :)

So UTG goes all in for 600k with 20k/40k, but that had been his only move. Another guy calls, im in BB with JJ and call after oserving these guys play. UTG shows KQs and caller shows TT. AJx flop and my set holds for win. I bust both of them and take 2.5mil to 1.5mil to 800k lead.
So it finally get down to 3 after a long time, althoughi really liked the strucure. Doubel rounds of 20k/40k and then on to doubel rounds of the higher stuff, although the whoel tourny only got into first round of 30k/60k. So down to 3, i get TT first hand and raise 3x blind to 120k, they BOTH call. K75 flop all heartsm i have the Th. SB checks, BB bets 120, i call SB calls. Turn T. WOH NOW. check check, i bet 120k. SB folds BB calls. River 8, BB pushes in i cal lwith my set he shows K8 and i take the huge lead into heads upm, about an 8:1 lead. He makes a good comeback a bit and we fight for awhile. I was getting very bad cards and i raise from button about 10 minutes into it with 77. He comes over top all in like hed been doing a bit. I Figured he had any two faces or any Ax, possibly with x beign lower than 7. So i call, if lose we are about even. He shows AhTh. Flop As7sQs. WOO SET. Turn Q. Woh Q or A and he wins with higher boat. River nothing and i win $8,357.51 and 597.49 tournament leader points.

I really have felt great about how ive been playing. Ive been really focusing most the tiem when playing pushing everything else out of my head, some of that is for personal stuff thats nice to get away from. So ive been playing great. I even told my friends today that i saw Sin City with(sweet movie btw) that i was expecting a big score soon. So ya feeling great, missed Conan though :) OH well, well worth it. Adios.