Ckrads Poker life.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Close but no cigar

Did a round of tournies late afternoon yesterday. Got close in a couple but jsut missed final tables. On Party's 15k guaranteed $33 NL (had over 20k prize pool) i got 12 loosing a monster hand when i went over top of a shorts stacks all in bet. Then another big stack called. so i had JJ vs K9 for shortstakc and AK for bigstack. An A fell and i finished 12th, (top 10 is the final table on party.) In a different 33 on there i got 18th. I also got 79/676 in the stars 11 rebuy ,just out of money. I was feeling good for awhile then it just went downhill. After those i got dinner with some friends and then partied with the floor.


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