Ckrads Poker life.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

I Hate Smokers

Yes i do! Every once in awhile my dorm building has fire alarms. Theres never a fire ,but we have to leave until it gets checked out by firemen. You can't stay or you get in huge trouble. Apparently its always just some kids smoking in their room that set off the alarm. So anyways, im in this BoDog(new poker site) tournament late and i make it to final table with a sizeable chiplead and am facing some overall weak players. Im feeling good about winning the $6300 first prize. Then.BEEEP BEEEP BEEEP. FIRE ALARM. I am forced to leave. I get back 30 minutes later to find it down to 4 with me being a lowly fourth with 5 big blinds left. I am forced to fold another couple hands thne push in with an ace and lose to a guy with 66. Sigh. Oh well, took home 2k for only seeing 4 final table hands. The buy in for $35 heh.


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