Ckrads Poker life.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Great End to a Long Night

So, its 7 and our hoem game goes bust for lack of more then 4 people. I log online and hop into some tournments. Im doing well in like 4-5 at same time getting deep. WEll in a 5 minute span, i get uscked out no stop in all of them. In the 55 omaha hi/lo limit on stars i was winning with 16 left, and got 16th. Anyways, only tourny i was still alive was the 11 rebuy on stars, lost half my stack though. Made a comeback, we are down to like 27 when i flop top pair vs a set and make this guy papi a monster, I lost 80% my stack but grinded back playing great and picking good spots. I make final table in like 4th position, but that papi guy is monster leader. Hand 3ish i trap him with my AA and get all in on K high flop vs his KJ. I hold and the table slowly swowly gets down to 6. There like 3 guys with a million. I made 3 big laydowns, some may say tight but i felt good aabout them. No need to risk 50-75% my stack on risky things. The observers were gonig crazy calling me a newb though :)

So UTG goes all in for 600k with 20k/40k, but that had been his only move. Another guy calls, im in BB with JJ and call after oserving these guys play. UTG shows KQs and caller shows TT. AJx flop and my set holds for win. I bust both of them and take 2.5mil to 1.5mil to 800k lead.
So it finally get down to 3 after a long time, althoughi really liked the strucure. Doubel rounds of 20k/40k and then on to doubel rounds of the higher stuff, although the whoel tourny only got into first round of 30k/60k. So down to 3, i get TT first hand and raise 3x blind to 120k, they BOTH call. K75 flop all heartsm i have the Th. SB checks, BB bets 120, i call SB calls. Turn T. WOH NOW. check check, i bet 120k. SB folds BB calls. River 8, BB pushes in i cal lwith my set he shows K8 and i take the huge lead into heads upm, about an 8:1 lead. He makes a good comeback a bit and we fight for awhile. I was getting very bad cards and i raise from button about 10 minutes into it with 77. He comes over top all in like hed been doing a bit. I Figured he had any two faces or any Ax, possibly with x beign lower than 7. So i call, if lose we are about even. He shows AhTh. Flop As7sQs. WOO SET. Turn Q. Woh Q or A and he wins with higher boat. River nothing and i win $8,357.51 and 597.49 tournament leader points.

I really have felt great about how ive been playing. Ive been really focusing most the tiem when playing pushing everything else out of my head, some of that is for personal stuff thats nice to get away from. So ive been playing great. I even told my friends today that i saw Sin City with(sweet movie btw) that i was expecting a big score soon. So ya feeling great, missed Conan though :) OH well, well worth it. Adios.


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