Ckrads Poker life.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Poker and Random

Had a killer tday at 2/4 NL yesterday. PLayed about 1k hands. Played again today, played great a again but took ~$2700 in bad beats. Top two all in vs 9 out flush draw on flop($1000 pot), bottom two all vs 8 out flush draw on flop(900 pot), and AA vs KK all in preflop (800 pot). These were the three biggest hands i played, i got in ahead in all, and lost al. So being down 500 makes me super happy. So it may be odd im happy with my session but i am! I grinded out a lot of small pots to make up for the 1300ish loss of my money in those pots.

I need to not ruin current specific situations becaise of other certain past occurences, and those past occurences may have rendered me unable to priorly not ruin past situations but at the present i can definitely overcome and not ruin.

Ill play more poker later i think.

Update: Turn that frown upside down. 4 tabled for an hour, now im up for day.


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