Ckrads Poker life.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

I Love Fish

So i got off work early today and got Del Taco and then entered some tournaments. I start off super hot in the $109 potl imit hold em when i triple up early when my KK has a higher fullhouse vs someone and some guy with a pair was also in for some reason. I played great and smoothly sailed by bigstack to final table from there. 45 person tournament so top 5 spots paid, first earning $1800.

I played heads up against THE WORST player ive ever come across late in a tournament. He was hitting some two pairs etc on my early, but i was still up because of his horrid play. He tried to bluff me out of everything and thought A6o was the nuts preflop. Anyways ive got a chip lead and after a low flop, i put him all in with 89s when ive got overs and a straight draw. Well, he calls me with Ten-nine offsuit, which was ten high with no draw. The ten high ends up holding up as the observers laughed their asses off at his horrible yet luckily correct call. I was down 3k to 60k in chips at point, which is a 20-1 chip lead over me. Somehow, i came back as he was just horrible. The final hand went like this, i had just taken back the chip lead a tiny bit, and i raise from the button with JJ. He reraises, i have no respect fro him so i reraise, he reraises and i put him all in. He had A6o and only pairs the 6 so i take it down. Thanks buddy! Great playing with you!

Ive got twice the average stack in this party poker $33 tourny with 75 peopl left, 50 spots pay. Ill update later.

UPDATE: i got like 23rd after busting in a four way monster pot :)


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