Ckrads Poker life.

Monday, July 11, 2005

PLaying Fantastic poker

PLayed four cash tournaments today. First was on party poker, 55$ NL. I busted early after flopped top two pair of T85 flo, got all in vs AT. Turn Q, river Q, and im out because my 8s no longer play. My other non cash was the $109 NL on party poker. I played it perfect in my opinion. PLayed safe until bubble, where i had blinded down to a bit below average. 20 spots paid, and with about 34 left i turned on my jets. Stole some blinds, then some idiot calls all with QJo and 4 flushes me to beat my A7. Im a bit below average with 4600 a few hands later...the huge stack makes it 1k to go, im in BB(400) with AK suited and pushed in for 4600. He calls with TT and i miss. I played it exactly like iwanted to and gave myself two cahnces to get big with A7 vs QJ and AKs vs TT. Oh well. First was about 5k so it was kind of a bummer, but ill take that 109 down eventually.

I took 27th in the $22PL on stars when my my JJ ran into a shortstacks AA and then i lost a flip next hand.

Im in the $109 Pot Limit on stars and it got 54 entries. Ive lead the way since about 34 people left. Currently final table and im tied for 2nd with 7 left. First is $1600.

UPDATE: Wow. That final table was rough. With 8 left i lose 70% my stack with a set to a higher set. Set over set is so rare, having it happen at a final table is just like ugggh. I played awesome though and marched my comeback through the higher set guy by coming over top of his mass raises a couple times. I then got all in vs him for MASSIVE chip leadwith 5 people left AJo vs his ATs. I had one of his spades but he still flopped a flush. Ouch. Still plugging through, i win AJ vs A5(wtf, i had a good hand every time and still no respect). 3 handed, 2 hands in i get AQ on button and raise, get reraised by a tard and i push. Hes got AK and board comes KAKQJ. Wow. AQ vs AK 3 handed is rough. I feel like Phil Ivey. Oh well i played great today. Just missed some wins.


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