Ckrads Poker life.

Friday, July 08, 2005


I saw Mr and Mrs Smith last night. I didnt have the best company, but i thought the movie was pretty good. Decent action and Angelina Jolie is never hard to look at. I also ate some food at On the Border and tipped like 30% because my waitress was hot.

Tonight is Andypalooza two, so ill be spending the night at andys. I think my drink choice will be white wine tonight, Charles Shaw probably to keep it cheap. I played some tournies today, got deep a a few of them then died before the money. Somewhat my fauly in one of them, in another just started getting shortstacked, and if another i lost QQ vs AJo for the chip lead. That QQ one was the 109$ tourny, first was 5 grand and i woulda been first with about 55 left. Oh well. Off to have fun!


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