Ckrads Poker life.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Home For summer

My last final, econ, was actually pretty hard. I am pretty sure the professor hated my class because he added like 50% more questions then hes given in years past. He also asked some random ass stuff. I moved out thursday night after some hassle with all ym crap. Saw Batman Begins last night, it eas very good. Ive always been a fan of Christian Bale ever since i saw him in Newsies haha. So that helps. Definitely one of the best comic movies yet, though. Bale should be looked at for the next James Bond, in my opinion. Hawaii is 21-27th, after that ill have plenty of free time. I picked up Dan Harringtons new book, Volume Two to read in hawaii. Now im gonna grab some del taco. sooooooooooo good.


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