Ckrads Poker life.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

No Key, No Plan

Well, im in a super good mood because i just won a tournament i was playing while i studied. Took it down for a good chunk of change that gives me a smile. Maybe ill buy some top notch booze like Patron to celevrate this weekend. I have 2 midterms tomorrow. Both accounting and both with the same teacher. He has tricky tests that ive done well on in the past, but these 2 classes are confusing as is so im a bit worried. But whatever. The LSAT went shitty for me, i dropped from my practice scores a bit, but whatever. Im not going to cry about not maximizing the very best school i could've gotten into. Im going to roll with it and keep my life rollin along. Ive been enjoying hanging out with friends and partying it up. Been meeting new people lately which is fun too because i always see the same faces, even tho i love you faces! Currently trying to figure out letters of rec etc for my law school apps. Ok back to studying for my midterms. Adios.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Back 2 Good

Quick post. Just won $675 off aguy in 118 hands, which took about 30 minutes haha. Awesome. I think he busted his account too, good times. I can just see him breaking stuff in Kentucky or wherever he lives.

Going up to Bruinwoods tonight to visit Lauren. Going to go to their saturday party then hang with her sunday. Should be fun. I need to make money so im not poor anymore. Ckrad out.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


So doing LSAT classes etc etc. I need to start focusing more on the Reading Comp. as i always slack on that homework and its showing on my improvements. But damn, reading all those passages is boring. Im watching Newport Harbor on MTV right now, by far the fakest one of these shows they've done yet. The chicks are pretty hot tho. The Real orange county indeed. VH1 shows are definitely way better. Rock of Love and Scott Baio 45 and Single are both pretty funny.

As far as poker, i switched to basically all Heads up no limti hold'em cash games, with the occasional multi table tournament. Im currently playing .50/$1 and am crushing it, and think i can continue to beat it pretty well. My plan is to play 50k hands there, then evaluate if i want to move up to $1/$2 no limit, heads up still of course. As far as tournaments go, not much success although i got third in a 180 man $22 tourny. Didnt pay too much but was ok.

Summer is enjoyable, partying a bit here n there but nothing excessive. Things are going well with the girlfriend, but i dont know when i wil lget to see her again. Its been nice tho ive seen her like once a week almost thus far this summer. This Hawaii hurricane shit is bugging me tho...I'm going with my family Sept. 6th-13th so hopefully all is well by then. September has the WCOOP, World Championship of Online Poker, going on at pokerstars. Hopefully i wil lhave tiem to play a few events. In the past couple years ive palyed a few events and gotten deep in a couple, always missing the huge scores tho.

Random tidbit..i started trying out coffee for the first time a couple weeks ago, had a few cups of a week or whatever and it made my right lower eyelid twitch a bunch so i had to quit that shit. My eye is finally back to normal so thats good. Die Hard movie was entertaining, Bourne Supremacy was BADASS and Shooter was pretty good action flick as well.

Ok thats all for now, peace.

P.S. My theme for the reest of the year is bringing the HEAT.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Whole Lotta Love

So yes its been a long time since my last update. Too much to update so i will just talk about what i want. Poker is dumb i run bad, but i switched my icon on pokerstars today for the first and only time in my 4 year career. The green clover brought me some luck a long time ago, but hoepfully by new Big Lebowski image will kickstart a new run of luck. Oh i switched to full ring cash games, also.
URL here:

I started my LSAT classes. Im am using Blueprint, found at Took an old LSAT test on first day. I went in totally cold, having never seen one before. Didnt do as well as i wanted, but did better than most do their first time. I like the class a lot, more than i liked any class ive taken at UCLA, and that is saying a lot considering the class is 4 hours long. There logic games and loginal reasoning mostly, with some lame reading comp. Anyways my teacher is cool, and the sutdents are far more interesting than anyone you find in economics or accounting classes. Also, many non UCLA kids. I walk there every monday, wednesday, and some fridays 10am-2pm. Its like a 10-15 minute walk. I will be taking the test September 29th.

Ive seen some movies lately, some in theatres and some on old VHSs my roomie has. I saw. Heres some ratings. I will try not to spill anything tho.

Transformers: 5/10. I would give the first half a 7.5/10 and the second half a 2.5/10. It seemed like the script went straight downhill halfway in. There was actually some funny moments at start with the Even Stevens kid. Michael Bay had some horribel and pointless characters that never ended up doing anything, and im not really sure why they were in the movie. For those who seen it, example is the black video hacker dork. Wtf? He never "solved" anything.The scene at the kids house with autobots outside lasted 15 minutes too long. Machines were cool looking.

The Negotiator: 7/10. Decent plot and acting. Kevin Spacey rules at always. I guess im hard on cop corruption scandal movies since ive seen some really good ones. With Kevin Spacey, even.

Batman Begins: 8.5/10. Ya i saw it in theatres and rewatched it. Pretty badass. And ive like Christian Bale since Newsies. hahaha. Good action, not too over the top. One of the best comic book movies easily, if not the best.

The Jacket: 8.5/10. Pretty weird and ambitiious. But it still had a solid flow an made sense. Sometimes writers/directors trying to be original boggle the movie into a big muck, but this was interesting and flowed great. And Keirra Knightley is way hot.

Havent been partying too much lately, although i will probably go to the bar tomorrow. Tuesday night i head to Lake Arrowhead to visit my girlfriend, Lauren, at her camp she works at, Bruinwoods. Come back Thursday.Two thumbs down for mountain driving. So yes, movies, poker, video games with friends, and LSAT homework have consumed my life this week. Catch you later.

Roll with your own cards,

Saturday, June 09, 2007

The New Age Of Poker

With the Safe Port Act passing in congress, and the hidden bill on it to stop US citizens from playing poker online, the mid and high stakes poker fields have become much harder, with many of the "fish" quitting to avoid the new difficulties of getting around the legislation. Also, a lot of the "young guns" who dropped out of college during the online peak to play full time have nothing to do but practice and grind. Many regulars of $10/$20 on party poker are now regulars of $2/$4 on other sites that DO still allow US customers(party poker pulled out of the US market due to US legislation). Cash games are pretty tough, plus i seem to run terrible in them. Tournaments still have tons of idiots, but the big fields lead to dsuper high variance. Ive made my way through several of the fields just to take a crushing bad beat before the big money. So, starting now(or after finals), i will take whats left of my online roll and focus on sit n goes(1 table tournaments) to increase my bankroll. At the low and medium stakes i still feel im always the best player at my table. Also, the short duration means i need les hands to hold up to cash in them, which is good because i seem to be running horrible this year in the luck department. I will play the occasional MTT, mostly smaller field ones to lower variance, until im back to making decent money with a healthy bankroll. Dominating sngs is how i started in poker, and i think i can still do so. I indeed have run horrible, but i can also improve. Back in the day, i could dominate on talent alone. Now, i need to seal off every small mistake i make and play near perfect to dominate, and i hope to eliminate every leak in my game this summer.

Also, I will go to Hollywood Park Casino and play the live cash games there. From the one time ive been, the competition is pretty weak. I hope to make some good money there as well. I like live cash games much more than online cash games.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Blog Is Back Alive

So, Its almost summer. I didnt get myself a full time job because i will be taking 100 hours of LSAT classes this summer in preperation for the September 29 LSAT. Woohoo for law school. Anyways, the money is running a little low, so its time to get serious in poker and grind out some cash. Im playing a little lately as i sit here and read/study for finals. I got deep in $75 tournament on Full Tilt Poker. The play was pretty weak for much of the tournament. With About 20 left i went on a cold streak losing 77 vs AK, AQ, KJ, and KK vs AK. I was ok tho, stealing blinds with about 50% good hands and 50% trash. Then with 7 left, this huge hand came up. Stacks were this. 1st had about 130k, 2nd had 81k, i had 77k, 4th had 76k, 5th had 50k, 6th had 40k and 7th had 30k. Blnids were at 1200/2400, so i still had plenty of room to pick my spots. Guy with 75k made it 7200, big stack smooth called, i found AA in the BB and made it 33k to go. Initial raiser pushed for his 75k total and big stak folded. I called of Course. Board was fine unti lthe river, then BAM Q. I have 800 chips left and lose KTs vs 66 next hand. So that AA vs QQ lose costs me probably AT LEAST 3k. &th paid like 600, first was 6500. I usually expect to lose so poker doesnt bug me, but i really wanted to win that one. Ill keep trying thesse Full Tilt Poker tournies as the players seem very weak.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

WCOOP $215 + rebuys

I just took a shot. I played 8 hours and 20 minutes. I took 99th our if 2081 people. First was 221k, so basically all the final table payouts were fat. OH well. I played fantastic, not putting my chips at risk unless i was a monstrous favorite, such as KK, flopped flush, or set. AS usual, i was able to demolish the donkey with the deepstacks that a rebuy gives you. I was in the top 30 chips for several hours. Then some donkey moved to my table. He pushed his short stack in, i call with TT, he had QJ. Flop JT7, im feeling good, turn K river A. He makes a straight, oh well it was a flip. Then, a few hands later he forgets im tight and decides to play his QJo vs me, this time i have JJ and he nails a Q to take half my stack. I played a short stack well, then busted in 99th when i pushed 44, had a guy push AK over the top, and some guy wakes with AA to bust us. Depressing, but i played well. IF that QJo guy hadnt sucked out on me, i would sailed smooth even deeper.

When i busted i immediately walked to the kitchen and too ka whiskey shot. Damn man, damn. When can a sexy guy catch his break? I played so well, was all in for all my chips 3 times, once with KK vs 88, once with a flopped flush vs a single pair, and on the last hand. Oh well. Same story as all rebuys, i rape early, then when more gambling is required bc blnids get big, donkeys suck out on me.