Ckrads Poker life.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Back 2 Good

Quick post. Just won $675 off aguy in 118 hands, which took about 30 minutes haha. Awesome. I think he busted his account too, good times. I can just see him breaking stuff in Kentucky or wherever he lives.

Going up to Bruinwoods tonight to visit Lauren. Going to go to their saturday party then hang with her sunday. Should be fun. I need to make money so im not poor anymore. Ckrad out.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


So doing LSAT classes etc etc. I need to start focusing more on the Reading Comp. as i always slack on that homework and its showing on my improvements. But damn, reading all those passages is boring. Im watching Newport Harbor on MTV right now, by far the fakest one of these shows they've done yet. The chicks are pretty hot tho. The Real orange county indeed. VH1 shows are definitely way better. Rock of Love and Scott Baio 45 and Single are both pretty funny.

As far as poker, i switched to basically all Heads up no limti hold'em cash games, with the occasional multi table tournament. Im currently playing .50/$1 and am crushing it, and think i can continue to beat it pretty well. My plan is to play 50k hands there, then evaluate if i want to move up to $1/$2 no limit, heads up still of course. As far as tournaments go, not much success although i got third in a 180 man $22 tourny. Didnt pay too much but was ok.

Summer is enjoyable, partying a bit here n there but nothing excessive. Things are going well with the girlfriend, but i dont know when i wil lget to see her again. Its been nice tho ive seen her like once a week almost thus far this summer. This Hawaii hurricane shit is bugging me tho...I'm going with my family Sept. 6th-13th so hopefully all is well by then. September has the WCOOP, World Championship of Online Poker, going on at pokerstars. Hopefully i wil lhave tiem to play a few events. In the past couple years ive palyed a few events and gotten deep in a couple, always missing the huge scores tho.

Random tidbit..i started trying out coffee for the first time a couple weeks ago, had a few cups of a week or whatever and it made my right lower eyelid twitch a bunch so i had to quit that shit. My eye is finally back to normal so thats good. Die Hard movie was entertaining, Bourne Supremacy was BADASS and Shooter was pretty good action flick as well.

Ok thats all for now, peace.

P.S. My theme for the reest of the year is bringing the HEAT.