Ckrads Poker life.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

I hate colds

Ive been fighting off a cold. Im sure drinking and going out Thrusday night didnt help. But ive dedicated the weekend to getting better. Thus, ive watched 3 movies so far. Heres my ratings(out of 5 stars)

The Usual Suspects- *****. Just an awesome movie, perfectly done. Kevin Spacey is a guru.

K-Pax- ****. Also has Kevin Spacey, who does an awesome job. Hes probably the best actor out there. Movie was great all the way through, but the ending wasnt quite up to par. This contrasts with The Usual Suspects, which had an amazing ending.

Crash- ***. A lot of people loved this movie. I agree with many of the points, but im surprised when people tal kabout it opening their eyes to its themes. The themes were already obvious to me in life, and im an OC white boy. But whatever, still good nonetheless. Nothing spectacular.

BIG PROPS TO UCLA MENS VOLLEYBALL who took down the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP today over Penn ST. Penn St. beat UCI in the semis which was a good feat, but couldnt hang with the big boys UCLA has. 19th mens vball championship in UCLAs history.

Poker: 2/4 NL is going well. Im tracking my hands with poker tracker so i can figure out my hourly rate tec.
Im going to LAX tomorrow to pick up Lauren, hopefully traffic isnt hell. Stay happy, stay sexy, ckrad out.


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