Ckrads Poker life.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Mexico Trip

I got back today from my trip to mexico. It was fucking SWEET. We drank and partied a lot. We had a group of 30, and we stayed in a 10 person beachfront house in Rosarito. It fit us all fine, so thats cool.

I ended up having to drive, so i left at around 10:20 i think, me tammy and flo. We picked up mike and jeremy at the Avery exit on the OC. Me and the girls ate some quick del taco before hitting the road again. We got to the border fine, then got to the house fine and were actually the first ones there. None of us wanted to jack one of the real beds so i personally grabbed a couch. Well good choice to me, because it turned out to be a fold out bed! Suhweet. WE chilled until everyone arriving in afternoon got there. Then we walked down the beach and got some drinks. I got attacked by one of the mexicans with tequila and a whistle. I learned early to avoid those guys like the plague. That night we went to Club Iggys and drank and danced the night away. Started at midnight it was a foam party. A bunc hof us danced up on stage once the foam start pouring bc the wind was blkowin it that way. Good times.

Next day wasfun. Tons more drinking, and we blew up a 5 foto tall superman with a cherry bomb. It was seriously the best explosion ive ever seen. We played some tackel sand football(i think it was saturday, may have been sunday) and went to Papas and Beer a huge ass raging club. Sunday was more drinking and we stayed at the house msot the night, except for going out to eat tacos and getting Yard drinks,which is a huge drink in a big cup. I got a Sex on The BEach, mostly because thats what lauren ordered me. In fact, we started pounding tequla at like 1 pm at the house and were totally wasted by 3ish. Some guys did 10 tequila shots in a row in liek 1.5 minutes to this song call 10 Rounds with Jose Cuervo. Insanity.

Drive home was fine, crossing the border was easy because i got in the carpool lane and dodged most of the traffic ; ). Anyways i left most things out, but it was probably the craziest and funnest weekend ever.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


Well, i had a lot to post but never di dand forgot mot of it. Poker sucks. I almost had a big score whe ni got 11th of 1400 in an $11+rebuys tourny. 1st was 14 grand, i got like 400, depressing. Running super cold in cash games, oh well itll stop evnetually.

March Madness is crazy. Im trying to mix some studying in while the insanity is oging, plus hanging out with friends etc. Finals this week, then we leave for Rosarito on Friday. Im pumped, it should be fun. I will be drunk the whole time. I ordered a book on amazon to read while im down there. Guns Germs & Steel its called. Bye!