Ckrads Poker life.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

This Deserves a New Post

So i just cashed in the 11rebuy but barely so not much money. However i was still alive in the 988 person $22 NL tournament. 81 spots paid and there was 82 left. Im a HUGE stack and sitting at about 5/82. I had 40k chips, and the chip leader(maybe he was in 2nd) was at my table with 50k chips. No one else was even close to us. Anyways, i end up getting all in vs him on a baord of 2555. I have 88 and he has 22, so i have the higher full house. The pot is for 80 and a definite final table spot, most likely a top 3 finish with how well i close vs shitty players.

So i see his hand and im like YESSSSSSSSS, because even if i 5 falls i win with my 8 kicker. Well the river is 2, and im ONE OUTTED after getting all in on turn. Wow, i was 98% favorite. Thats just close to as bad as it gets. The table went nuts and i couldnt believe it. Im playing great though. But wow, jsut wow.


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