Ckrads Poker life.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Runing bad in SNGs

After dominating the $55 sngs on Eurobet for awhile, i have now lost like 12 in a row. I am taking bad beats in every crucial pot. It was kinda ridiculous, but thats poker. I hope to play a few today and make my comeback.

I saw 40 Year Old Virgin saturday on a date. It was actually very funny. I still think i liked Wedding Crashers better, but both were very funny. The packed crowd laughing also made both easy to like.

Its been blazing hot and i almost melted at my friends pool yesterady haha. Anyways, i move in to UCLA again on Sept. 24th, so i need to enjoy my last classless days. Im not surehow many World Championship of Online Poker(WCOOP) events ill play, but hopefully a few.


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