Ckrads Poker life.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

SNG stats thus far

I just finished a good session of like 14-16 sngs. My total for the 55$ sngs on eurobet is now 14-11-5-33. That means im up 2185 BEFORE rakeback. That gives me $35.68 per sng played, and a 63% return on investment, or ROI.

At the end of the month ill get 30% of the entry fees ive paid back, so that will incease my ROI even more. Right now i should get about $94.5 back, which would make my ROI 65.8% about. So you can see the rakeback program will give me a good boost to my hourly rate. Ive been running pretty hot, so although i feel im the best player in these sngs, i do expect these numbers to go down a bit. After all, a sample size of 63 sngs isnt very big. If they did hold up though...i play 4 tables at a time, and if each sng takes an hour(usually they take less but lets error on the side of smaller hour rate) then that would be 36.18(per sng rate with rakeback) x 4= $144.72 an hour. Not bad for $55 sngs ;)

Im not sure if i should move up to 109s. I want to get a better sample size of 55s, say 200 or more, than maybe try out 109s and compare my stats.


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