Ckrads Poker life.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Out Early Today

Todaywas the $215 Pot limit hold em 6 handed tournament. It is palyed at 6 man table whole way though. Well, i took a tough beat early when my set of jacks got beat by a gutshot straight draw. so i was down to 1k chips early(start with 2500) but i then came back to around 3k by first break.

About 1 minutes after first break this hand came up. UTG folds, i limp with Ad7d. Next guy folds, button calsl and blinds call/check. Flop AQ7 rainbow. Blinds check, i bet about 200 into 250 pot. I get raised by the button. Now heres where my analysis comes in: The hands that beat me are AA, QQ, AQ, 77. After me liping i think he would raise with AA, QQ, or AQ to isolate me. So the only hand i was afraid i was beat by was 77. BUT i held one of the 7s for wo pair, so that seemed highly unlikely(it is). I push rest of my chips in and he instantly calls with 77. Wow, tough hand. Thats just poker though, i think my thought process was correct. Im gonna go grab some lunch now.


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