Ckrads Poker life.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

$215 rebuy NLHE

Well, i just busted 3.75 hours into it. I never really had any cards or momentum. Whatever.

UPDATE: Well i played a fewtournies tonight and final tabled in the $109 NL on stars, taking 4th place for 2 grand. Not bad. With about 19 left i took a tough beat for a 60k stack(average was 18k) when i got all in vs a guy with my AJ on a AKJ board. He had A8 so need a K ti chop, and bam river K. Haha oh well. I got him back later 99 vs KK when i hit a straight to stay alive. Still, 60k stack with 19 left woulda been nice. Still, i was able to last until fourth then pushe on the other super sohrtstack with Q9 and he woke up with A7s to bust me. Ill take it.


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