Ckrads Poker life.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Deep in $55 NLHE

well, im deep in a $55 NLHE tourny on party poker. With 61 left and 60 paying, i had 2x average. I got in vs a chip leader with AK vs AQ, having no fear of bubbling, and we split the pot when board rivered two pair. It really sucked. I would have been chip leader with 61 left...oh well. I just finished off the short stack so we are in the money. My first cash in a MTT in ofrever, updates later.

UPDATE: 12th...bubbled the final tble ,story of my last coupel mnoths. Made one mistake, went with an AT vs guy i had no respect for but he had AJ...oh well live and learn. I kept running into monster when i would raise...finally with out with A9s vs Aj when i had like 3 BBs left. Oh well, night.


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