Ckrads Poker life.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


I wrote a poem today, and had subway for lunch. I get the same sandwhich every time(footlong turkey on white, cheese, lettuce, pickle, olive, mustard/mayo, oil/vinegar, salt/pepper). I sometimes wonder if i should branch out, but whatever its good to me.

I played some sngs on eurobet today. I was kicking ass then ended not cashing in my final 4. I was doing well in all four and then started taking horrid beat after horrid beat. At least i lost in exciting fashino in some, like my KK losing to 44 all in preflop, guy hit quads. My stats for the $55 sngs on eurobet are now 10-7-5-30.

My parents were supposed to be back from NY at like 5 today, but there flight got delayed. More than a delay really..they took off but they failed to seal the door right so they had to turn around and land again. Way to go idiot who fucked his job up. The flight finalyl took off a few minutes ago so they should be home by 9 tonight. Im debating whether to make pasta for dinner or eat out once again. I either need to refind my love for cooking or marry quickly when i finsih college. Otherwise ill spend a lot of money eating out.

UPDATE: well, i ran horribly in some tournies tonight. I playe dfor 5 hours in the 33 rebuy no stars though. I played superrrrrrr well but couldnt get any cards. I ended up 17th of 400, which was sad because first was $9500. I ended up pushing my last chips in with KJ when it folded to me in late position. Big blind had AA. That guy in past two hours i sat with him had gotten AA 3 times, KK 4 times, QQ twice, JJ once, and AK 4-5 times. Unreal cards. I wasnt getting much, so i feel good about it.


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