Ckrads Poker life.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Finals Done, im Home

well im Home and finals are done. Just been chillin and playin basketball and some cards with the friends.

Online Pokerwise i've been running very bad lately. Nonetheless, i decided to try to play the 215 pokerstars sunday tourny. There was a huge field and first place was worth 140k. Sweet payouts. Anyways, going into the end o fthe first hour i had about 5k, twice the starting amount. I was off to a good start and playing well. Then this hand came up:

Middle position raiser made it 300, so i called in 1 before the button with AcQc. The big blind called also. The flop came AA9 and they checked to me. There was 950 in the pot. Now, if one of them has AK im doubling them up no amtter what, so at this point im thinking about maximizing value vs hands i beat. Tourny play is about gathering chips. So i bet 200. This bet will mean most pocket pairs and lower aces call me. They have 2 and 3 outs, respectively, so they are worse than the 5:1 odds im giving them. Also, its a weak bet and often time someone will bluff over the top.
The big blind called, leaving himself 1400 chips, and and the initial raiser folds. Turn 8 and the Big blind guy pushes in for 1400, i have to call and he shows 88. Ouch, that was about a 22:1 shot for im to hit there. Either way, i think my play was right. I was a 93% favorite vs him after the flop, so i was right to try to gather chips, i just got unlucky.

I had 3k, and hovered through the 2nd hour. When blind got to 200/400 25 ante i had 3k and pushed in under the gun with AKo. Guy next to me called with JJ and the flop came Jack high. I hit a meaningless K on turn and was out. I felt i played awesome so whatever :)


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