Ckrads Poker life.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

11 rebuy

so i do the 11 rebuy. Im the chip leader with 130 left when my KK runs into a AA and i fall back to like 25th. I come back and am 4th with 22 left. 6k/12k blinds, ive got like 350k. folds to me in SB, i call with J9s, BB check. 953 flop, i bet 24k, he goes all in for 100k more i call and he shows A3, rofl. River A of course. Two hands later its 20k/40k and ive got about 240k. Guy goes all in with A2 i call with AJs. Well J34 flop, turn nothing river 5, i lose again. I end up playing great to come back, but never really recover enough to gain momentum and finish 6th. Still, my best finish for a rebuy. If i had won those hands though i would bullied so many blnids, people werent very good.


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