Ckrads Poker life.

Friday, February 25, 2005

$109 pot limti hold em

entered the 99 person 109 pot limti hold tourny tonight. Did pretty well, ended up getting 7th. with 600/1200 blinds i had about 8800 and was in BB. Folds to the small blinds who calls 600 more. I raised to 3600 or so with A6s(i need to make a move eventually as the blnids go to 1k.2k in about 4 minutes. I had been playing very sloid so i thought i get get a fold right here). He calls. Flop QTT. He checks. Now this guy had been betting out with all his made hands, so i knew he missed and at best had a draw. So i pusdhed in with my last 5500. He thinks about 4 seconsd and calls with KJ. Turn is a 9 and im out. I pocketed a decent amount for a tourny i was playing as i celebrated the Bruins victory of USC. First prize was 3k, 2nd was 1900, 3rd was 1100, 4th was i was a little disappoited but thats how it goes. I was hoping he wouldnt call off that much more of his stack(he woulda been left with 9k) but he made a nice call and sent me packing. $530 tourny is still this sunday.


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