Ckrads Poker life.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

People are so bad at poker im never amazed anymore

So im playing the 109 Pot Limit Hold em tournament, first place is 3500. First break comes around. Then, i dont play a hand for 30 minutes. The blinds are at 100/200 and i have about 2500 making me 25/32 left or so. Top 18 pay. I felt comfortable with this stack in PL because there is no antes to whittle you down. Well, i figured everyone had me for a rock at the table, bc id been at this table since right before break 1. And i hadnt played a hand in 30 MINUTES. Well, i max raise it to 700 in mid position. The small blind, who had about 3000, max reraises me for the rest of my chips. I decided to call and try to gather some chips hoping he had AK. Well n, he turned up AT. WOW AT? VS the tightest palyer at table? Right as we turned our cards up, another palyer said he had AT too. Well an ace still flopped and i was out. Peoples shitty plays never cease to amaze me.


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