Ckrads Poker life.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Casino Trip To Morongo

Well, despite seeing a car crash into the center wall head on at 70 mph, then flip into the air and land on its roof....we made it to Morongo. Saw an old friend Spencer there too..that was cool.

So i was up and down and in some monster pots..but heres a few big or fun hands.
Blinds $2-$5...unlimited buy in, i bought if for 400. Game was 7 handed when i sat down, i think it had only been going for like 40 minutes. First, let me say whenver i go to th casino i usually get cold decked..i picked up quite a few good hands on this trip however, playing for like 6-7 hours.

Theres some drunk guys who admits he doesnt play cards...he endded up losing $1600 in 2 hours..haha. Anyways, i lost a big pot trying to grab his money. I am up a bit winning small pots. I raise to $20 with KdJd and he calls, along with an old man. Flop is J 5d 4. I bet out 30 and get two calls. I was trying to get the drunk guy to call and hopefully old man would fold if he missed... They both called. Turn is the 3d. I now have top pair and a flush draw. I bet out 60$ and they both cal lagain. River is the 2d putting a 4 card straight out and drunk guys face lights up. I check, drunk guy checks, old guy bets 50, i raise him all in for 200, which also has drunk guy covered. Drunk guy calls,old guy calls (crap?). Drunk guy shows A7 for straight, old guy shows AdQd for the backdoored nut flush vs my 2nd nut flush. Crap. I lose that pot and am back down to 300.

I work my way up with a rush of mediocre cards liek KQ KJ and AK...winning small bets mostly with continuation bets vs 1-2 people. Then i get dealt QdQh UTG. I raise to $25 and the button calls as well as the BB to my right. Flop comes Jd7d5d. BB checks to me, i fire out $50, button folds, BB raises to $150. Now, the table had been playing totally nuts, crazy etc. People got 200 in preflop with A9. This guy liked his top pairs etc too...So i put him on a jack on maybe AdJ. Well, i pushed for my remaining 300 and he called with Kd8d. Crap. I river a queen but it doesnt matter. I rebuy for 400.

I win some intersting pots but i forget most of them bc of a huge hand that comes up in a bit. Fun hand, im firsky and raise to $20 UTG with Tc8c. Two callers behind me. 9c7c2h falls. I bet $50, they both fold ;)

I raise AQo UTG+1 to $25 after UTG limps(guy who had Kd8d on me earlier). Guy in Late Position(LP) calls, as well as UTG limpers. Qc 7h 4c flops. Checked to me, i bet out $50. LP folds, UTG calls. Turn is a 4h. UTG bets out 100$, im thinking wtf, theres no way you called with a four. THis guy had been playing the nuts since his big pot vs me i just smooth call and pray for no club. River is like the Th. He fires out $200. I go into the tank...set of 7s i ask him? No response. I call and say if youve got the set youve got me...he saysnope, shows Ac9c and i rake the nice pot. Im now at about 1400 in chips on front of me, including the 4 $100 bills.(They let us use $100 as chips on the table, it was sweet.)

Crzy Huge hand of day: Im up about 500$(1400 in front of me) when thisd hand happens. I raise UTG with KK to $20 casually. I had been playing pretty well stay in rhythm with my big hands. 55 year old turkish or russian guy to my left calls. One other guy calls, BB calls. Kh Tc 5c falls. I quickly splash out $40, 2/3 the pot with the current nuts, as this guy was calling a lot and wouldnt put me on KKK if i fastplayed like this. old guy calls, BB folds. Turn is Qs. I fire out $100. He calls. Now theres two cards i dont wanna see, the 9c and the Jc. They complete a straight and a flush. So does the Ac, but if that calls it means he doesnt have the Ac and thus reduces the chance hes on the flsuh draw.

River...9c! FUCK. Heres where i posdsibly make a mistake. I check, perhaps i should fired 100-150 as ablocker bet. However, iwas prepared to call down a decent sized bet. He fires all in for 900...900 into the $340 pot. Wtf, i tank, stand up, sit back down. Perhaps hes bluffing, perhaps its a fake bluff and he makes bread and butter vs kids thinking hes bluffing....But with this ez table why risk it on this. Any jack beats me, any two clubs beat me. I said "ok then" and toss my kings face up as i fold. He flips up Q9 to brag about his bluff. I said ok good, i wanna play with people like you bud. He gets offended thinking hes the shit, i inform him i check the nuts there often(which i do, i did last trip morongo and got the other old regular to push on me, i called to win but thats when they jacked that pot from me.)

So whatever, i think i played the hand ok, other than possibly not checking the river.

After that i didnt hit much and slowly dwindled to 1100, when i was hungry and left up $200. Good learning experience live. MY navigators led me atray on way home, we ended up havcing to take the worst drive of my life. I thought i was gonna die. Not doing that again. IN other news, this whole play solid and try ot figure out wen your best thing is fun..rather than always trying to see when i can bluff. I think ill apply this to my cash game online! All in all, i think the monrongo game is pretty easy and in long run id make a lot. Ill go alot to casinos this summer prepping for vegas next winter break.

AKs: 1
AK: 5ish
KQ: 3
KJo/s: 4s
KK: 4
QQ: 2
no jacks or aces.


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